Oh Goodness I'm not sure where to begin or what to say, everything is AWESOME!
I got 2 Packages!! Thanks Mom and Alisa!! :) I have had plenty of sugar this week ;)
A family took us out to dinner, guess where they took us! My favorite place... OLIVE GARDEN!!!
We were having a lovely time when look who shows up... the Elders. They are always crashing our dinner appointments, even when the family takes us out to a nice place, and guess what else, THEY BROUGHT SOMEONE WITH THEM!!!
So at the beginning of the transfer our ward mission leader told me and my companion to "tract" into a specific house who's best friends are in the ward, so we did. They were really nice and we found out that the lady was almost baptized into the church when she was younger because her best friend was a member and she went to church with her many times and really liked it. Anyway, they were leaving on vacation so we were not able to see them for a while. Last week our ward mission leader prompted us to return, so on Thursday night we did. We came up with an awesome plan. She said she knew everything about the church and didn't want to be a member, so we asked her if we could "practice on her" because my companion may be leaving in the next week and I could possibly be on my own. She agreed and let us in! :) We found out what her real concerns with the church were and they were actually really unusual and different. We had to leave because of a relief society activity so we asked if we could come back and "practice" some more. She said sure and we set up an apt.
Later that night we get a phone call... From the Elders. Apparently the family who are the previous mentioned families friends in the ward showed the Elders where they lived and referred them to go and talk to them. Our ward mission leader on the other hand told them not to, that we were already going to be working with them. WELL... The Elders didn't listen and guess who showed up that same evening like right after we left. GAH! Now we all look silly, but they were rebuked.
Moral of the story... Listen to the line of authority, and the sisters are better at getting return appointments :)
Almost forgot we had ZONE CONFERENCE!
It was awesome!!! Our mission President talked about not being mediocre, that mediocre actually means to be half way up the mountain. So you are putting in some effort but you are not really giving it your all. He had us list things we are mediocre about and strive to do better. I felt really encouraged to give it more of my all!
His wife is super awesome! She talked about how from the beginning of time Satan sought to destroy women. If you look back at history Women really only began to be "free" (in a sense) after the restoration of the gospel.
She also pointed out that Jesus spent a lot of time with women, they were even the first to see him after he was resurrected.
She said as Women we can have it all, we can be rough and tough and then we can dress up and be pretty, she said we can have it all!
So now onto a MIRACLE!!!
I love hearing other peoples miracles in their missions but I just hadn't seen anything really huge yet, guess I needed a trial of my faith. Anyway we were planning one night and this one name kept sticking out to me, so I said to my companion hey we should see Brianna, she said, "yeah that name has just been stuck in my head for a while now."
So we knew we were supposed to be there. The next day we found where she lived and found out we had been in that area frequently the past week. We knocked on her door and she was the one who opened. Me and my companion were a bit in shock and stumbled over our words a ton! We were not sure what to say and ended up just telling her we felt like we were supposed to meet her. Eventually we navigated the conversation to the gospel and started talking to her about the Book of Mormon.
Oh back up a little bit... We saw her name on a potential investigator list. Meaning Elders from about a year ago had met with her and thought she was not ready at the time but knew she would be in the future.
Now back to where we were. She said it was really interesting the whole situation because she felt like a lot of people recently had approached her about reading the Book of Mormon. We were a bit stunned and asked some more questions. Apparently a Month ago she was shopping at a grocery store when a group of youth approached her with a mormon.org card and talked to her about reading the B.O.M. (I figure this was from the youth conference we participated in at the beginning of my mission) Anyway we talked a little bit more and found out that her mom actually reads from the B.O.M. ON A REGULAR BASIS!!!!
Good thing my companion could pull herself together enough to get her number and plan to head out there this week. Oh and on top of all this we discovered that her mom travels a lot for work but will happen to be home this week!
GOD IS GOOD! I have seen the Lords hand in this work and KNOW that he truly is preparing his people to hear this gospel.
So... life is awesome!
I'm also working with a part member family. The lady we began working with was less active but decided she needed the gospel back in her life. She lives with her boyfriend and their two kids, so now we are teaching him. Mostly we have been focusing on the priesthood and how he can actually hold the priesthood and bless his family. I think he really likes that idea, but we will keep working with them!
There are two baptisms in our district this week and hopefully we can get some people to go with us! The stats say that 80% of people who attend a baptism end up being baptized!
I would challenge all of you to do more missionary work! If we are not gathering we are scattering!
Oh also I believe next week is Labor day on Monday, and transfers are going to be next Wednesday so that means a few things
1. If you have letters to send me (which you all should!) send them early in the week it takes about 3-4 days for them to get to me and I want to have them before Wednesday in case I'm transferred.
2. I will not be e-mailing next monday, but I WILL be e-mailing on TUESDAY! So now you know why you didn't get an e-mail.
Not sure if I will be transferred, or if I'm training, or what. The other sisters in our district already know they are both training...guess only time will tell.
I hope you all have great weeks and look for the Lords hands in your lives, because I know it's there!
Stay Awesome!
Sister Chambers