
Sunday, June 30, 2013

I'm Feeling so ALIVE I'll Be back in 1.5!

Today was the day, THE DAY. I had my farewell! I was asked to speak on gaining and keeping testimonies. I thought I would share my talk with the lovely people of the World Wide Web if they so desired to read it!

 So for those who don’t know me, I’m Afton Chambers. I have been attending Snow College for the past two years and just graduated. The past two years have been pretty exciting for me, going to school, competing on the speech and debate team at Snow, and even having the opportunity to compete at internationals in Italy and Belgium. Despite all my public speaking training and competing I still have not mastered how to control my nerves so don’t mind my papers shaking.

I have been called to serve in the Jacksonville Florida mission and I report to the MTC  in 10 days on July 10th.  I am so excited to have the opportunity to serve the lord and the people of Florida.

So now I have covered the stereotypical about me portion of the talk I think its suiting that I cover the stereotypical  joke portion of the talk. Please laugh, even if you don’t find it funny. I do accept pity laughs

A girl was sitting on an air plane when an Atheist sits down next to her. He says, "we should talk about something, it helps the flight go by faster."
She said, "ok well what do you suppose we talk about?"
Atheist: How about we talk about how there is no God, there is no Heaven and Hell, and there is no life after death.
girl: well I guess that could be interesting but first you have to answer a question.
Atheist: well, ok.
Girl: Horses, Cows, and Deer all it the same thing, right? Grass
Atheist: yeah...
Girl: But one produces clumps, one produces patties, and one produces pellets, how does that happen?
Atheist: (thinks about it a moment) hmm, ya know what... I don't know.
Girl: Well then how do you feel qualified to talk about how there is no God, there is no Heaven and Hell, and there is no life after death when you don't know CRAP!

(pause for laughter because that was hilarious!)

Any way this joke actually has something to do with my topic today. I was asked to speak about gaining and keeping a testimony. You see on my mission I might as well be the atheist talking to the little girl if I don’t have a testimony of what I will be teaching investigators.

I thought a good place to begin my talk would actually be at the end of the statement gaining and keeping a testimony.
What is a testimony?
If you would have asked 4 or 5 year old Afton what a testimony was I probably would have told you its something you burry in a hole with dirt and stuff.
I probably buried a lot of testimonies. I actually remember going in my grandpas back yard, digging a hole and placing a paper with a picture which I assume was my testimony at the time.
Any who after burying so many testimonies I learned that you actually bare them, not burry them.

True to the faith says ... pg 178.

Jay E. Jensen stated in the Ensign of Oct 2005 what a testimony is and what a testimony is not.

What a testimony is…

A testimony is usually defined as knowledge or assurance of a truth that a person declares by the convincing power of the  Holy Ghost. The apostle Paul taught, “No man can say that Jesus is the Lord, but by the Holy Ghost” Because the things of God are known only by the power of the Spirit, they must be declared by the Spirit, and that means bearing testimony.
A testimony can be identified by the use of powerful verbs such as Know, testify, believe, certify, declare, affirm, bear witness, bear record. Often it is a declaration of what you know, feel, experience or believe. Generally speaking, a testimony is short, precise, and concise.

What a testimony is Not...

Sometimes we can learn much about a principle by identifying what it is not. I have found that a testimony is:

-Not an exhortation. Individuals who stand and exhort others in a fast and testimony meeting or even try to call others to repentance, even with the best of intentions, are usurping authority and are often offending others and disrupting the spirit of the meeting. 

-Not an experience, although experiences may illustrate belief and conviction. 

- Not an expression of gratitude or love, although these are often appropriately included in our testimony sharing.

-Not a public confession.

-Not a sermon or a talk on some doctrinal point, although someone may quote a scripture and then testify of it.

-Not a long explanation of how you know but rather what you know.

-Not merely saying the words "I have a testimony." It is not inappropriate to say this, but hopefully there is an expression following these words about he doctrines, truths, and principles of which you have a testimony.

So now that I have identified more clearly what a testimony is, I’m going to talk a bit about how to gain testimony.

D&C 8:2-3
D &C 4:7

From these scriptures we Learn that we can gain a testimony by listening to the Holy Ghost, and asking our Father in Heaven for knowledge.

In last General Conference Bishop M Davies gave a talk  Entitled a Sure Foundation , he talked about building a strong testimony of our Savior.

He gives three ways in which we can gain and strengthen our testimonies.
He states, If we do not provide for an appropriate balance in our lives of daily personal prayer and feasting from the scriptures, weekly strengthening from partaking of the sacrament, and frequently participation in priesthood ordinances such as temple ordinances, we are at risk of being weakened in our spiritual structural strength.

So there is the basic list of what we can do to strengthen our testimonies… I’m going to actually add a bit to this list.

Prayer, Scriptures, Sacrament, and I’m going to add Service. 

Prayer. I’m going to make this a little more specific to testimonies. Bishop Davies states, “ Prayer is one of the most basic and important foundational building blocks of our (testimony). Through prayer we can submit our will to Heavenly Father and in return receive the strength to conform our lives to His Teachings. Prayer is the avenue we can follow to seek His influence in our lives, even revelation.
Moroni 10:4

Next, Scriptures. He continues, “Searching the scriptures on a daily basis will also fortify our faith and character. Just as we need food to nourish our physical bodies, our spirits and souls will be replenished and strengthened by feasting upon the words of Christ as contained in the writings of the prophets. Nephi taught, “feast upon the words of Christ; for behold, the words of Christ will tell you all things what ye should do”

He continues
While reading the scriptures is good, reading by itself is insufficient to capture the full breadth and depth of the Savior’s teachings. Searching, pondering, and applying the words of Christ as taught in the scriptures will bring wisdom and knowledge beyond our mortal understanding. This will strengthen our commitment and provide the spiritual reserves to do our best in all situations.

Next, Sacrament.
Bishop Davies states that One of the most important steps we can take to strengthen our lives and remain firmly attached to the foundation of the Savior is to worthily partake of the sacrament each week.
He talked about how the sacrament is an important time each week to review our lives and identify  where we are, along with where we want to be.

Now Bishop Davies did not address Service in his talk, but President Monson has stated that Service is an important part of building a strong Testimony.

By serving other we are putting our testimony to work. Just like our Physical Bodies our Spirits need exercise. Ways we can exercise our testimonies are by serving, and baring them.

Testimonies are very important for not only our personal happiness and progression, but the churches as well.

Robert D hales stated that “individual testimonies are the foundation and strength of the Church. Our testimony provides a guiding light that leads to a commitment which directs our conduct and our way of life. Our testimony is true north on a spiritual compass. It is a moving force that cannot be seen but can truly be felt. It is a burning within that tells us what is right.”

This is why keeping our testimonies is important.

Sometimes gaining and keeping a testimony can appear to be a daunting task. If you feel this way I would advise you to begin with the small things, and continually build your way up.

I would like to end with one last scripture which will actually be on my plaque. 

D&C 68:6
Wherefore, be of good cheer and do not fear for I the Lord am with you, and will stand by you; and ye shall bear record of me, even Jesus Christ, that I am the Son of the living God, that I was, that I am, and that I am to come.

Like in this scripture Jesus will be there standing by us. He will help us gain the testimonies that we desire. 

I know that this is the only TRUE church on this planet. I know that Jesus died on the cross and atoned for our sins so that we can become clean and live with our Heavenly Father again. I know that my Heavenly Father loves me, and loves each and everyone of his children incredibly much. I know that Joseph Smith restored this true gospel to the Earth, and I know that President Monson is a true prophet called of God. I testify that This church will bring the most happiness into your life and achieve your personal plan of happiness. 
I say(write) these things in the name of my Savior, Jesus Christ, Amen. 

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