That may or may not be a hint ;)
And my address is
14701 Bartram park Blvd.
Jacksonville, Florida
It has been so crazy moving here. Packed, and moved in a matter of days.
We are both new to the area and so we keep working hard and are trying to find some new investigators to teach. We have been able to see some Less actives, and we even have a lesson scheduled with a potential investigator.
The place that we live in is glorious, it is just so wonderful, I was a little scared I would end up in some scary place but this place is pretty new and it smells clean. :)
My companion is pretty awesome. Sister Toledo. She has been teaching me Spanish, and just the other day I taught the plan of salvation in Spanish!! it was to her, but she said I did pretty good! She says that in no time I will be fluent, ha I'm not sure about that but she likes teaching me, and I like learning.
She is really sweet and kind. She is basically the opposite of me.
I am loud, she is quiet.
She is gentle, I am not.
She is meek and humble, I'm pretty prideful.
So this is perfect, Heavenly Father gave me a companion to show me a good example.
Oh guess what!!! This morning we talked with president over the phone and he said in 3 weeks we will be getting Ipads!!! :) Which will be so splendid. Right now we don't really have access to computers, so this morning we are at a members home using her computers for a moment. She is so kind, and funny note... this is the place where I spent my first night on the mission. Sister Toledo spent her first night here as well. It brought back memories driving up here today.
OH which brings to remembrance a story. We are not the first second set of sisters to be here. The last set ended up in a car accident and then one of them went home. It is quite the story, and everyone here has told it to us a few times... not only where they in a car accident, but they rear ended another car, who then hit into the other sisters in the ward... and gave one a concussion.
So everyone keeps telling me to drive really safe. That is a ton of pressure. My companion does not have her license, so I always get to drive, and the car we have is a 2013 ford fusion in silver. I drive super duper careful!!!!!! But one of the best parts is that we don't have to share our car with anyone. The other sisters in our ward are the sister training leader coordinators. Basically they are the sister version of AP's. I feel intimidated at times, but they are really nice and helping me learn a ton of new things!
Well I don't have much else to say, don't have any real investigators to tell you about so... I hope you have a great day!!!
Sister Chambers