As is probably obvious, I have been a super slacker when it comes to keeping up with my adventures, so lets see if I can re-cap and help update all...
December 2014...
Got sealed to my best friend for all time and eternity!

Look at us! We are so cute, and that day was sooo cold!
In the following months the following happened:
We both had birthdays.
We ate a lot of good food.
We bought our first car!
We got a new job, lost a job, got another job, quite a job, and started a business.
We do wedding films if you didn't know.
I personally just think I am in love with... LOVE!
We spend way too much money of fun film stuff. (Notice the present tense)
We went on vacations
We welcomed home grandparents from missions
and we decided to grow our family!
We found out in August that we would be having a little baby T come May!

I just love that cute little face!!
Here's how we broke the news to some family members...

It was a very exciting time in our lives, well, still is!
In December we had an ultra-sound. This is where the technician told us we would be having a little boy! We were very excited, ok well I was! B kinda had his heart set on a little girl.
The technician said, "It's a little early, but typically those things don't fall off."
So we felt confident in sharing the news.
We told our families, but not the whole world yet.
Then one night while having dinner with friends we told them the news, then we all joked around that with mine and B's luck it would actually be a girl.
Well we went to the doctors office for our scheduled ultra-sound to make sure everything was developing.
This time we had the actual doctor performing the ultra-sound.
He searched for the gender and then showed us on the screen.
Doctor: There you can see the gender of the baby
*Afton looks at B*
*B looks at Afton*
I think to myself: somethings missing...
*Doctor can tell we are confused*
Doctor: Looks like you are having a little girl.
*B super excited and shocked*
*Afton just plain shocked*
It was very strange, almost if we needed to lament the loss of our little boy, yet there really was not loss. We rode home in shock, and also with gratitude that we had not made any purchases for the babe at the time.
So we had to go back and tell our families with our tails between our legs.
We put together a little scavenger hunt for my nieces and nephews. At the end it had a sign which read...
We have all "bean boozeled"(yes we taped the game there).
We are sorry Grandpa Moy
We really thought we were having a little boy.
Our treasure is more precious than a ruby or pearl,
yup that's right everyone, we are having a girl!
So then commenced the buying of pink, and frills, and dresses.
This girl will own enough clothes to wear a different outfit everyday for the first YEAR of her life.
That may be an exaggeration, but I wouldn't be me if I didn't exaggerate.
So here we are today...

34 weeks pregnant and excited more than ever to meet this little one!!
A little like baby A and a little like baby B
in just 6 short weeks we will meet our baby T!

As always,
with love,
Afton Michelle