
Sunday, June 30, 2013

I'm Feeling so ALIVE I'll Be back in 1.5!

Today was the day, THE DAY. I had my farewell! I was asked to speak on gaining and keeping testimonies. I thought I would share my talk with the lovely people of the World Wide Web if they so desired to read it!

 So for those who don’t know me, I’m Afton Chambers. I have been attending Snow College for the past two years and just graduated. The past two years have been pretty exciting for me, going to school, competing on the speech and debate team at Snow, and even having the opportunity to compete at internationals in Italy and Belgium. Despite all my public speaking training and competing I still have not mastered how to control my nerves so don’t mind my papers shaking.

I have been called to serve in the Jacksonville Florida mission and I report to the MTC  in 10 days on July 10th.  I am so excited to have the opportunity to serve the lord and the people of Florida.

So now I have covered the stereotypical about me portion of the talk I think its suiting that I cover the stereotypical  joke portion of the talk. Please laugh, even if you don’t find it funny. I do accept pity laughs

A girl was sitting on an air plane when an Atheist sits down next to her. He says, "we should talk about something, it helps the flight go by faster."
She said, "ok well what do you suppose we talk about?"
Atheist: How about we talk about how there is no God, there is no Heaven and Hell, and there is no life after death.
girl: well I guess that could be interesting but first you have to answer a question.
Atheist: well, ok.
Girl: Horses, Cows, and Deer all it the same thing, right? Grass
Atheist: yeah...
Girl: But one produces clumps, one produces patties, and one produces pellets, how does that happen?
Atheist: (thinks about it a moment) hmm, ya know what... I don't know.
Girl: Well then how do you feel qualified to talk about how there is no God, there is no Heaven and Hell, and there is no life after death when you don't know CRAP!

(pause for laughter because that was hilarious!)

Any way this joke actually has something to do with my topic today. I was asked to speak about gaining and keeping a testimony. You see on my mission I might as well be the atheist talking to the little girl if I don’t have a testimony of what I will be teaching investigators.

I thought a good place to begin my talk would actually be at the end of the statement gaining and keeping a testimony.
What is a testimony?
If you would have asked 4 or 5 year old Afton what a testimony was I probably would have told you its something you burry in a hole with dirt and stuff.
I probably buried a lot of testimonies. I actually remember going in my grandpas back yard, digging a hole and placing a paper with a picture which I assume was my testimony at the time.
Any who after burying so many testimonies I learned that you actually bare them, not burry them.

True to the faith says ... pg 178.

Jay E. Jensen stated in the Ensign of Oct 2005 what a testimony is and what a testimony is not.

What a testimony is…

A testimony is usually defined as knowledge or assurance of a truth that a person declares by the convincing power of the  Holy Ghost. The apostle Paul taught, “No man can say that Jesus is the Lord, but by the Holy Ghost” Because the things of God are known only by the power of the Spirit, they must be declared by the Spirit, and that means bearing testimony.
A testimony can be identified by the use of powerful verbs such as Know, testify, believe, certify, declare, affirm, bear witness, bear record. Often it is a declaration of what you know, feel, experience or believe. Generally speaking, a testimony is short, precise, and concise.

What a testimony is Not...

Sometimes we can learn much about a principle by identifying what it is not. I have found that a testimony is:

-Not an exhortation. Individuals who stand and exhort others in a fast and testimony meeting or even try to call others to repentance, even with the best of intentions, are usurping authority and are often offending others and disrupting the spirit of the meeting. 

-Not an experience, although experiences may illustrate belief and conviction. 

- Not an expression of gratitude or love, although these are often appropriately included in our testimony sharing.

-Not a public confession.

-Not a sermon or a talk on some doctrinal point, although someone may quote a scripture and then testify of it.

-Not a long explanation of how you know but rather what you know.

-Not merely saying the words "I have a testimony." It is not inappropriate to say this, but hopefully there is an expression following these words about he doctrines, truths, and principles of which you have a testimony.

So now that I have identified more clearly what a testimony is, I’m going to talk a bit about how to gain testimony.

D&C 8:2-3
D &C 4:7

From these scriptures we Learn that we can gain a testimony by listening to the Holy Ghost, and asking our Father in Heaven for knowledge.

In last General Conference Bishop M Davies gave a talk  Entitled a Sure Foundation , he talked about building a strong testimony of our Savior.

He gives three ways in which we can gain and strengthen our testimonies.
He states, If we do not provide for an appropriate balance in our lives of daily personal prayer and feasting from the scriptures, weekly strengthening from partaking of the sacrament, and frequently participation in priesthood ordinances such as temple ordinances, we are at risk of being weakened in our spiritual structural strength.

So there is the basic list of what we can do to strengthen our testimonies… I’m going to actually add a bit to this list.

Prayer, Scriptures, Sacrament, and I’m going to add Service. 

Prayer. I’m going to make this a little more specific to testimonies. Bishop Davies states, “ Prayer is one of the most basic and important foundational building blocks of our (testimony). Through prayer we can submit our will to Heavenly Father and in return receive the strength to conform our lives to His Teachings. Prayer is the avenue we can follow to seek His influence in our lives, even revelation.
Moroni 10:4

Next, Scriptures. He continues, “Searching the scriptures on a daily basis will also fortify our faith and character. Just as we need food to nourish our physical bodies, our spirits and souls will be replenished and strengthened by feasting upon the words of Christ as contained in the writings of the prophets. Nephi taught, “feast upon the words of Christ; for behold, the words of Christ will tell you all things what ye should do”

He continues
While reading the scriptures is good, reading by itself is insufficient to capture the full breadth and depth of the Savior’s teachings. Searching, pondering, and applying the words of Christ as taught in the scriptures will bring wisdom and knowledge beyond our mortal understanding. This will strengthen our commitment and provide the spiritual reserves to do our best in all situations.

Next, Sacrament.
Bishop Davies states that One of the most important steps we can take to strengthen our lives and remain firmly attached to the foundation of the Savior is to worthily partake of the sacrament each week.
He talked about how the sacrament is an important time each week to review our lives and identify  where we are, along with where we want to be.

Now Bishop Davies did not address Service in his talk, but President Monson has stated that Service is an important part of building a strong Testimony.

By serving other we are putting our testimony to work. Just like our Physical Bodies our Spirits need exercise. Ways we can exercise our testimonies are by serving, and baring them.

Testimonies are very important for not only our personal happiness and progression, but the churches as well.

Robert D hales stated that “individual testimonies are the foundation and strength of the Church. Our testimony provides a guiding light that leads to a commitment which directs our conduct and our way of life. Our testimony is true north on a spiritual compass. It is a moving force that cannot be seen but can truly be felt. It is a burning within that tells us what is right.”

This is why keeping our testimonies is important.

Sometimes gaining and keeping a testimony can appear to be a daunting task. If you feel this way I would advise you to begin with the small things, and continually build your way up.

I would like to end with one last scripture which will actually be on my plaque. 

D&C 68:6
Wherefore, be of good cheer and do not fear for I the Lord am with you, and will stand by you; and ye shall bear record of me, even Jesus Christ, that I am the Son of the living God, that I was, that I am, and that I am to come.

Like in this scripture Jesus will be there standing by us. He will help us gain the testimonies that we desire. 

I know that this is the only TRUE church on this planet. I know that Jesus died on the cross and atoned for our sins so that we can become clean and live with our Heavenly Father again. I know that my Heavenly Father loves me, and loves each and everyone of his children incredibly much. I know that Joseph Smith restored this true gospel to the Earth, and I know that President Monson is a true prophet called of God. I testify that This church will bring the most happiness into your life and achieve your personal plan of happiness. 
I say(write) these things in the name of my Savior, Jesus Christ, Amen. 

Friday, June 28, 2013

Welcome to the Sister hood!

So you are going to be a Sister Missionary?!?!?!!!! HOW EXCITING!!!!

Have you joined the Many are called....but few are sisters page yet? Well if not you should!

The page is a great place to meet sisters planning on serving missions, or even serving in the same mission as you. You can pose questions and get awesome responses, and you can be inspired like crazy!

There are a few things that are repeated constantly on the page so I thought I would cover as much of the FAQ's as possible!

1. Check out the guidelines for dress and appearance, they can be found here!

Yes I know they are oh so cute, but if you want to wear them you will have to hem them so they are not floor length and follow the guidelines. TID BIT- I hear they trap in heat!! So be ware, and be wise :)

3. Having a hard time finding long skirts??
There is a File for that! On the many are called... but few are sisters page of course. You can check it out here!  Also if you have a skirt that is too short an idea is to add some fabric to the bottom. A cute example of this on pintrest! Don't add lace to the bottom or get the slip extenders!!! The ladies at the MTC do NOT like this! They think its unprofessional (I personally think they are cute, but I'll do as I'm told.).

4. Cap sleeves.........
So those lovely downeast basic shirts are fabulous! However, we have been asked to not wear them, not because they don't cover garments, but because they are too tight, and they do not look as professional as we should, ya know being representatives of Christ and what not! I do, however, recommend them to increase modesty with whatever shirts you desire to wear!

5. Shoes!!!!
You have to decide what is most important to you when choosing shoes. Some girls choose style over comfort, some comfort over style, and some a good mixture of the two. I just recommend that you pick good quality shoes that will last you.

Many girls have recommended these following sites...

6. Garments
This one I can't give you a straight answer... I believe this one depends a bunch on your personal preferences! I think you should also take into deep consideration where you will be serving. The ladies at the distribution centers are very helpful. If you don't have that option, ask the ladies who live in the mission you will be serving in their opinions... they can be super helpful!

7. Going through the temple for the first time.
Don't sweat it. Everyone's experience is different, the best advice I could give would be to go in with an open mind. Many girls have great advice about this and it is good to ask and read the different advice people give every once in a while.

I love reading other sister missionary blogs along with writing them! There is a list in the Docs on the Many are called....but few are sisters page that includes many links to sister missionary blogs, and you can look up blogs of girls serving in the area you will be. Posting a link to your blog is always fun and a great way to share your opinions and insights.

9. Trials and struggles.
This is a great place to get support and help!!! Just be careful to not disclose others information that they wouldn't want out there.

I wrote a blog which I clearly stated my opinions on this already check it out at Awkward Flirting with Afton! There is also a really good blog about it called Romance and Mission Prep.

11. Luggage
Check out ROSS!!!! I got brand new stuff for cheap and it's cute! Also Costco has some for a pretty good prices I hear!
Need help packing that luggage? Check out the movie!
When in doubt check out the files tab at the top of the page, there are many useful things here! Also there is a search tool (it's actually not working as I'm writing this, but hopefully Facebook fixes is soon!)

I hope that this helps you navigate the Many are called....but few are sisters Facebook page, and preparation for becoming a sister missionary in general!

Good luck Ladies!
Afton Michelle

Tender Mercies

I'm not sure why I am feeling compelled to write this and share it with the world today, but I am, so here it goes.

Our Heavenly Father loves each and everyone of us so incredibly much! Think about it for a moment, out of all the names he has, his favorite it Father. Fathers want nothing more than to help their children progress and be happy (after all it's called the plan of happiness!), that is all he wants for us, to progress and be happy.

Sometimes trials come into our lives, it may be hard to understand how you will be able to deal with a particular something, or make it through. He is always there for us though. If you don't believe me write down all the tender mercies in your life, or all the blessings he has given you. I'm positive that you have more blessings than you can see, and that you have more blessings than trials.

A story keeps coming to my mind. This story is not my own, but it is true.

About a year ago a boy in my ward returned home from serving a full time mission in Canada. He was so excited to be home and seemed to have just the most wonderful passion for life. It seemed like everything was just working out wonderfully for him.

One night he was driving a motor scooter through Provo Utah when there was an accident with a truck and he passed away.

This effected my community greatly. It was so hard to see someone standing on the edge of life be taken away from it. Many people asked why Heavenly Father would allow this to happen. We don't know why, but we do know that he will be with his family forever and will be happy. The Lords plan is often very different from our own.

However through this tragedy there were many tender mercies, and miracles brought forth in his families lives.

Before the accident, when he had returned home he was able to visit his brother in the MTC. Usually they don't let things like this happen, they feel like it will be too distracting for the younger brother in the MTC. However, this time they allowed this to happen. The younger brother actually got to spend time with his older brother before they would part for the rest of this life.

He was preparing to attend BYU in the fall along with his little sister who had made the cougarettes team. This meant that his parents were helping to support one missionary in the field and two BYU students. (it's starting to get confusing only using him, and he, so from now on I will refer to him as Micheal) Micheal had a job and was saving up for school. He had over heard his parents discussing what their financial options could be. He later talked to his mother and told her that he had saved up enough money for one semester of school, and that he wanted his little sister to use it. He knew how much being a cougarette meant to her, and he wanted her to enjoy her first year of college. He decided that he would not go for the semester and work a few jobs to save up for him and his sister to attend the next semester together.

His mother was not fond of this idea and said that the Lord would bless them and they would find a way to make it all work.

After Micheal's accident his mother knew exactly what he would have wanted done with the money in his bank account. The Lord blessed them with that conversation so she knew what he wanted, and the best place to put the money to use.

I'm sure there were many other countless miracles that took place for that family.

The younger brother had decided to stay out on his mission and not come home for the funeral, though he did have the option. He was counseled that it would be easier for him to stay out in the field, that it would be hard to be around all his family in a difficult circumstance, and it would be even harder to leave them again to return to the mission.

He wrote a beautiful letter which was read at the funeral by their cousin. Everyone talked about how even though Micheal had passed away they were positive he was doing even more missionary work on the other side of the veil.

That family was able to see the love and support the community had for Micheal and they saw the love that Heavenly Father had for him, and for everyone.

So no matter what's tough in your life right now, no matter what you are struggling with, know that you Heavenly Father is watching out for you and blessing you with small miracles along the way.

If you need something else to help uplift you check out these wonderful videos!

Endure to the end! God Loves you!

Afton Michelle

Tuesday, June 25, 2013

The plan of Happiness...

I feel that sometimes we get caught up in our trial and struggles and forget to look at the bigger picture. I will be the first to come out and say that I have been there and done that, A LOT!

This post is about keeping your chin up and trusting the Lord with our WHOLE HEARTS!
Remember it's called the plan of Happiness. Not the plan of Ok-ness or I'll be allright-ness, but the plan of happiness. You WILL be HAPPY if you follow the LORDS plan for YOU!

I am learning this lesson one trial, one day, and one leap of faith at a time.

At the beginning of this year I met a guy. He was great!!! Everything seemed to just click with him and I kept wondering if this was the "different" people described when they talked about their spouses. At least I was hoping it was that "different."

We began to get to know each other and like each other more and more. We came to a point in our relationship where I really wanted to spend the rest of my life, and all Eternity with him. I just had one reservation, how could I ensure that we would not get a divorce later on down the road. I prayed and asked my Heavenly Father what would be the best thing to do to help prevent that.

While on the other hand, he felt the need to pray about our relationship and ask if us being together was apart of the Lords plan for us.

We both got answers that came to us mysteriously, and may have not been the exact answers we were searching for.

I had been in Belgium for the week and I was on my way home. (I have mentioned this part a little bit in a previous post, so sorry for those who have read it!) I was in the plane when I felt prompted to serve a mission. I felt that if I served a mission it would help insure that I did not have a divorce later on in my life. I felt like me and this wonderful guy were going to break up when I got home, and that I needed to talk with my Bishop and start my mission papers.

I was a bit baffled, I'm not going to lie! I didn't want to break up with him. I never thought that I would serve a mission, but I could not deny what I felt and knew was going to happen next.

My feeling was confirmed. His answer was that we were not supposed to be together right now. I told him the prompting I had felt and he became so super duper excited for me. I cried soooo much that night, sad to see him go, but so happy to be serving the Lord and knowing his will for me. We said we would try to still be friends and keep in contact.

Ok so skip a few details and a few weeks.

The day I got my mission call I invited him over so I could tell him in person where I was going to be serving a mission. He told me he would not be able to come over because he would be spending time with his girlfriend. I didn't know he had a girlfriend, but there it was, he did, for almost a month.

My heart was so broken. I didn't understand why. Why he could be with her and not me, why had he not told me, and why I had to feel that way.

Each day I got a little stronger. It hurt a little less, and I had to trust the Lord and his plan for me. I had to trust with everything I had that I would be happy. I didn't have any other option but to turn to the Lord.

I began to pray for them. That the spirit could lead them to do the Lords will. That they could find happiness. With each and every prayer I felt better, and I lost all animosity that could have ever resided in my heart.

Fast forward another month.
I logged onto Facebook and saw it there plane as day. THEY WERE ENGAGED. I immediately began sobbing and felt as though my body and spirit where tearing themselves apart from each other. The pain had come and my peace had left. I felt so alone, betrayed, and just heart broken. I remembered I was not alone though. I prayed like I had never prayed before. I prayed for strength, comfort, and peace.

Again I had to take it one day at a time. Slowly, very slowly did I begin to be able to be happy again. I began to feel peace and comfort. Heavenly Father knows me, my pain, and how to help.

As I move forward in my life I still keep repeating to myself it's the plan of happiness. I WILL BE HAPPY! Though my life may seem dark now, I know that the stars will shine brighter against the dark background. I know my Eternal Companion will be absolutely PERFECT for me. That we will be as happy as that ex-boyfriend of mine and his fiancee.

This trial does not define me. I can look at it in two ways. Either it is a stumbling block, or a stepping stone. I WILL NOT LET IT GET ME DOWN. I will be stronger and I will come closer to my Heavenly Father who Loves me!

Whatever your trial is, however hard it may seem, the Lord IS with you.

D&C 68:6
Wherefore, be of good cheer, and do not fear, for I the Lord am with you, and will stand by you; and ye shall bear record of me, even Jesus Christ, that I am the Son of the living God, that I was, that I am, and that I am to come.


Good luck!
Afton Michelle

P.S. I'm rooting for you!

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

My "in a body" adventure...

I have recently been thinking about How we are all spiritual Sons and Daughters of our Heavenly Father. I don't know why, but the thought has come to me that we are spirits, actual spirits. Now you may think I have gone nuts and fallen out of the loony bin, but let me explain some more. We are spirits inside bodies, not bodies with spirits inside.

We existed as spirits before our bodies were created and given to us. Our spirits were divinely appointed to the bodies in which they reside now.

We often feel "the spirit" or the Holy Ghost and sometimes this is a hard feeling to explain to others.
It has been described as...
a burning in the bosom,
a quite peaceful feeling,
something bigger then the individual.

It is so hard for us to actually describe this feeling because it is a spiritual feeling. It's not a physical feeling, but rather The Spirit communicating with our spirit one on one.

We may not remember what actually happened in the pre-mortal existence  but I'm learning that this life is not the beginning but rather a continuation of what has already happened. I was given a body at this time, in this world for a reason. This is my "in a body" experience. (It's kind of like an out of body experience but the opposite!)

I get to learn many things, experience many things, and I get to grow. Everyday I can find one thing to be thankful for, my body. Remember that not everyone was given the blessing of having one, and we need to treat ours the way Heavenly Father would want us to. Consider it a loaner, Heavenly Father has given it to you for this amount of time. If you prove you are worthy of it he will give it to you forever, and not only that but he will give you an upgrade!

I know this post may seem different and random, but hey so is life!

I hope your "in a body" adventure is just absolutely wonderful!

Afton Michelle

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Teaching People, Not Lessons

So I went to institute tonight and we had a really great lesson. It was on teaching people, not lessons.

The teachers told us we would be teaching each other about repentance, showed us who we would be teaching, and gave us 5 minutes to think of what we wanted to teach them.

It was the first time that I had ever taught anyone! And to my surprise it actually went pretty well!

After we taught the teachers asked us what was wrong about we had just done?

IDK!!! I can't read your mind, so please, enlighten me!

Well apparently they didn't give us a scenario of who we were teaching. They asked us why this was wrong....

Well they had me stumped there too...

Luckily some other guy knew that it was because we are supposed to teach people, not lessons. Our teacher said that he wish he had a giant gold star three times the size of the guy so he could wrap it around him like a blanket and send him home. Ha ha I literally laughed out loud at the mental image that gave me.

So there it was, the real lesson. We need to teach people, not lessons. Why you may be asking yourself...

Well this is what came to my mind:
The gospel is a very personal thing. Yes we do have guidelines that can help us to be better, but many things up for our own interpretation. If you teach a cookie cutter lesson then the investigator may not feel like they fit the cookie cutter, or like they don't fit in. If they feel like they don't fit in then it will be hard for them to feel the spirit. If you teach to the person then you can create the lesson to mold around them, and of course they will feel like they fit in, BECAUSE THEY DO! Then, and there the spirit can and will testify that what we are teaching as missionaries is true!

Hope this helps!
Afton Michelle

Monday, June 10, 2013

Sis Miss Music!

It's always good to have a soundtrack that matches what you are currently doing in your life, so here it is!

Check out my Sis Miss playlist on spotify!

Monday, June 3, 2013

Dressing for my Adventure!

If you are going to be a Sis Miss (sister missionary) like me then you probably have done a lot of looking online at clothes and spent a few hours day dreaming of your soon shopping adventures.

You also may feel overwhelmed that you some how have to create and affordable wardrobe that you can wear for the next year and a half, in the new climate you will be living in. I just finished this seemingly impossible task and thought that I had a few tips and tricks that you may find helpful as well!

1. BREATHE, it will all work out. Take the process one step at a time, you don't have to have one giant shopping trip in which you find your perfect and wonderful wardrobe.

2. Do NOT go shopping before you get your call!!!
I seriously can not emphasize this enough! I thought there was one thing I knew for sure about where I was going, I thought that it would be cold. Boy was I wrong! I'm going to Florida, HOT, HUMID, FLORIDA! Good thing I waited to go shopping because I would have bought warm fabrics, then had to return everything. I know its tempting to shop, but take this as an opportunity to learn patients! Also you may even want to wait until you have gone through the temple, clothes seem to be a different experience after that!

3. Know the guidelines!
It would be so so sad to get to the MTC and find that one of your cutest skirts is too short so they have to add some ugly material to the bottom just to make it appropriate!
Visit for the guidelines and some cute examples.

4. Think Versatility!
Don't buy a shirt that only goes with one skirt, that really limits your options! Half of my skirts have patterns while the other half are solid colors, and this applies to my shirts as well. In my patterned skirts I try to find a color that is in more than one of my skirts and then get that color of a shirt so I can wear it with both skirts. Also in my patterned shirts I tried to make sure I could wear it with more then one skirt. This way you have many outfit options but can still be bright, colorful, and beautiful! Also I bought my skirts first because they seemed to be harder to find then shirts to go with them.

5. Don't get discouraged!
I'm a taller girl and thought that I would have the hardest time finding modest skirts, but with some patients and a few shopping trips I found everything that I needed! If you start to feel discouraged in a certain shop that is a sign that you need to get out of that store. I recommend going to dress barn. I had never been to dress barn before and found that most of my missionary clothes came from there. Now I know some sisters suggest going to thrift stores or the DI but here is my two sense on it. Yes you can find great things, BUT remember those clothes most likely have been worn before, they may not hold up as well or as long as new clothes.

6. Miscellaneous.
Maxi skirts, again refer to number 3... Dresses and skirts CANNOT go to the ground, so that cute maxi that you get will have to be cut and re hemmed! Also I have heard that maxis do not do well in heat and humidity.  A sister said it just trapped the heat in and made a sauna for her legs.
Shade shirts, these are great little beauties to go under your shirts, but again refer to number 3, they are too tight and revealing to wear on their own.
Don't fall victim to fads! Think classics while you are shopping so you won't feel out of style four months into your mission.

Good Luck shopping, and remember your dressing to be a representative of Jesus Christ!

Afton Michelle