I feel that sometimes we get caught up in our trial and struggles and forget to look at the bigger picture. I will be the first to come out and say that I have been there and done that, A LOT!
This post is about keeping your chin up and trusting the Lord with our WHOLE HEARTS!
Remember it's called the plan of Happiness. Not the plan of Ok-ness or I'll be allright-ness, but the plan of happiness. You WILL be HAPPY if you follow the LORDS plan for YOU!
I am learning this lesson one trial, one day, and one leap of faith at a time.
At the beginning of this year I met a guy. He was great!!! Everything seemed to just click with him and I kept wondering if this was the "different" people described when they talked about their spouses. At least I was hoping it was that "different."
We began to get to know each other and like each other more and more. We came to a point in our relationship where I really wanted to spend the rest of my life, and all Eternity with him. I just had one reservation, how could I ensure that we would not get a divorce later on down the road. I prayed and asked my Heavenly Father what would be the best thing to do to help prevent that.
While on the other hand, he felt the need to pray about our relationship and ask if us being together was apart of the Lords plan for us.
We both got answers that came to us mysteriously, and may have not been the exact answers we were searching for.
I had been in Belgium for the week and I was on my way home. (I have mentioned this part a little bit in a previous post, so sorry for those who have read it!) I was in the plane when I felt prompted to serve a mission. I felt that if I served a mission it would help insure that I did not have a divorce later on in my life. I felt like me and this wonderful guy were going to break up when I got home, and that I needed to talk with my Bishop and start my mission papers.
I was a bit baffled, I'm not going to lie! I didn't want to break up with him. I never thought that I would serve a mission, but I could not deny what I felt and knew was going to happen next.
My feeling was confirmed. His answer was that we were not supposed to be together right now. I told him the prompting I had felt and he became so super duper excited for me. I cried soooo much that night, sad to see him go, but so happy to be serving the Lord and knowing his will for me. We said we would try to still be friends and keep in contact.
Ok so skip a few details and a few weeks.
The day I got my mission call I invited him over so I could tell him in person where I was going to be serving a mission. He told me he would not be able to come over because he would be spending time with his girlfriend. I didn't know he had a girlfriend, but there it was, he did, for almost a month.
My heart was so broken. I didn't understand why. Why he could be with her and not me, why had he not told me, and why I had to feel that way.
Each day I got a little stronger. It hurt a little less, and I had to trust the Lord and his plan for me. I had to trust with everything I had that I would be happy. I didn't have any other option but to turn to the Lord.
I began to pray for them. That the spirit could lead them to do the Lords will. That they could find happiness. With each and every prayer I felt better, and I lost all animosity that could have ever resided in my heart.
Fast forward another month.
I logged onto Facebook and saw it there plane as day. THEY WERE ENGAGED. I immediately began sobbing and felt as though my body and spirit where tearing themselves apart from each other. The pain had come and my peace had left. I felt so alone, betrayed, and just heart broken. I remembered I was not alone though. I prayed like I had never prayed before. I prayed for strength, comfort, and peace.
Again I had to take it one day at a time. Slowly, very slowly did I begin to be able to be happy again. I began to feel peace and comfort. Heavenly Father knows me, my pain, and how to help.
As I move forward in my life I still keep repeating to myself it's the plan of happiness. I WILL BE HAPPY! Though my life may seem dark now, I know that the stars will shine brighter against the dark background. I know my Eternal Companion will be absolutely PERFECT for me. That we will be as happy as that ex-boyfriend of mine and his fiancee.
This trial does not define me. I can look at it in two ways. Either it is a stumbling block, or a stepping stone. I WILL NOT LET IT GET ME DOWN. I will be stronger and I will come closer to my Heavenly Father who Loves me!
Whatever your trial is, however hard it may seem, the Lord IS with you.
D&C 68:6
Wherefore, be of good cheer, and do not fear, for I the Lord am with you, and will stand by you; and ye shall bear record of me, even Jesus Christ, that I am the Son of the living God, that I was, that I am, and that I am to come.
Good luck!
Afton Michelle
P.S. I'm rooting for you!
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