First week of the MTC is just crazy crazy crazy. No time to think about anything except the gospel and how you can become a better teacher.
I'm learning a ton though.
My favorite thing so far is teaching our progressive investigator, I feel like I'm meeting my purpose when I'm teaching people and it just makes
me so pumped to get out into the field.
Days are long and they seem like weeks, but when we look back on the weeks they seem to feel like days. Time is not a real concept here.
My companion is AWESOME! We joke around that God just assigned us new best friends. We teach well together but are able to talk to each
other about our flaws and how we can teach better and feel the spirit more in our lessons.
The Elders where a bit hard to get along with at first. We felt like they had tons of inside jokes and they just seemed to be really immature.
After a district conference we were able to come more together. We are more focused during our study time and the spirit has been increased.
We sit with eachother at meal time and are actually starting to feel like we are friends and I'm actually going to be sad to see them go.
All the sisters in our district and another district in our zone are going to Jacksonville Florida. Half the Elders are going to Bama, and the other
half are going to Florida as well.
Every day I tell a joke of the day, the Elders don't seem to think they are very funny. The funniest one so far to their standards has been the
What do you call an alligator in a vest?
An investigator!!!
See it's funny because we are going to Florida and they have alligators there, and we are going to be teaching investigators... funny stuff right there!
As far as our investigators go right now we have two.
One is starting to gain a testimony of christ, he has prayed and feels the spirit. We have taught three lessons to him so far. He has not committed to
baptism because he is afraid of what his family would think, they have not had really good experiences with the church in the past, but his girlfriend is
apart of the church and so he was very interested to get to know more.
Our second investigator is married to a member. She, however, is catholic. They attend both mass and sacrament everyweek. We have had one meeting
with her and have asked her to pray to know the truth. We shared with her Joseph Smith's story and experience as well as the restoration of the church
and the priesthood. She thinks her chuch has the right priesthood and that it was pasted down through Peter. I'm not sure what to think about that yet.
We have not had time to look at where she is and study for her. Ya know BUSY BUSY BUSY at the MTC!
The food is not great, it's just cafeteria food, and it's actually making many of us sick. We are so glad we don't have to stay here weeks on end.
Yes they do have a lot of cereal, but I have only eaten it once, so there ya go.
Tell Mom I love her all the muches and miss her hugs in the morning SOOOOO MUCH! Also tell her thanks for the package! I loved the cinnamon roll,
my companion loved the cinnamon roll, and the two other sisters loved the cinnamon rolls! Every one thinks your the best mom in the world, along with me!
I have seen a ton of people I know here like Elders... Finkenthal, Findlay, Anderson, and Pritchett (who I hear is a very good dancer, some girls in his district share a room
with me and my companion. We have seen the video proof.)
There are a ton of kids here from Salem!
I actually won't be a host on Wednesday. That job is usually left to the more experienced girls who are going speaking a language, so they have been here much
longer than I have, and have a ton of more experience. We will, however, be the oldest districts in our zone, so we will see all the new kids come in on Wednesday.
That's cool that there were tons of girls named Afton, No one calls me that any more and I miss it, A LOT!!!!!!
Everything is great and my mind has been so opened. I love this experience overall, even though sometimes it may feel like I am in a prision.
Gospel is true!
Jesus is True,
He loves you,
and I do too!
Sister Chambers
(oh, p.s. It's hard to get used to people calling you that, and also not calling people guys or dudes but missionaries or sisters and elders)
Hope your week is brilliant!
Tell everyone to write me letters, and e-mails so I can write back!
I can't write if I don't have their addresses, but they have mine so they can!!!!
Love all ya'll, share this as you so please!
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