Cajun because we had deep fried cajun Turkey.
Thanksgiving, because it was Thanksgiving.
And kah because it happened to also be the first day of Hanukah.
We had a great day! Our ward mission leader invited us to the biggest thanksgiving celebration that I ever did see.
It was kind of funny because there was a good chunk of people that I am most likely related to there. Ya see there is a man by the name of John Anderson (he is also a former 70!) He was born in Bothwell Utah and he says that my great great grandfather was probably his grandfathers brother. So basically I just was having thanksgiving with the fam!
Approximately 100 people were there.
We ate tons and tons of food and received a huge amount of left overs.
They had a petting zoo, a hay ride, the golf ball game, bean bag toss, fire pit and even a BOUNCE HOUSE.
While everyone else went on the hayride me and sister Blatter went and bounced in the bounce house, it was the most physical fun that I have had on my mission I believe. We even planned on wearing tights that day to help avoid any embarrassment.
Oh also people have been inviting us like crazy to come and eat there left overs. I think I will be eating turkey for another week...
Any who... back to missionary work...
I believe I told ya'll about the 3 investigators that we found on Monday!! Well one of them showed up for a church tour on Saturday and the other two came to church on Sunday!! There is actually a family in our ward that lives close by and they are super awesome and I think that they will be great fellow shippers.
Also our 14 yr. old investigator was able to make it to a baptism on Saturday. An 8 yr old boy in our ward was baptized and we really wanted her to be there because he would receive the gift of the Holy Ghost right after the baptism. She is baptist and so we have been talking to her about the importance of receiving the gift of the Holy Ghost.
She has not been reading the book of mormon Recently and has been very frustrating. She tells us that she feels the spirit at baptisms and that she really wants to know but she just does not want to do the work to find out the truth.
We have been fasting and praying about how we can help her and if we need to drop her right now so she can have some time to find out for herself.
I told Heavenly Father this morning that I was going to drop her and if that was not what he wanted then he would have to intervene. WELL... this morning we got a surprise text from her saying that she is going to be doing some work and research to find out and that she wants to meet with us on Saturday at 3.
I'm praying so hard that she is ready to be baptized. I hope that she will be able to be baptized while I am here. I am thinking this might be my last 6 weeks in this area.
Oh also one day this week I just felt like we should stop by and see one of the active members in our area, I was not sure why but we stopped by real quick and talked to them for a moment. Near the end of our visit I felt prompted to just ask about some random furniture that was in a pile down the road by one of the houses. The father told us that a family down the street was kind of going through a rough time, that their house was getting repossessed and that they were living in an old run down home across the street. He then said well maybe you should go and give them a visit and say that I sent ya. So we did.
We began talking to the lady he referred us to and she was very nice, then her husband quickly came to the door. He told us that he was a member, was raised in the church and was looking for a church to go to here. So we gave them our card, invited them to church on Sunday. Unfortunately they were not able to make it but we have a meeting with them tonight. Hopefully the wife will be interested in learning more about the religion and he husband can help her learn!!
God blesses everyone! All we have to do is keep the commandments and he will bless us greatly!! I have learned a very big lesson this past week about trials. I learned that there really are two types of trials in our lives. Those that come from disobedience, and those that come because Heavenly Father sees that we are strong enough to bare them and that they will help build us up and bring us closer to him.
I might even venture to say that he blesses us with trials to increase our strength.
This week I guess Heavenly Father thought I was strong enough to bare a new trial.
One thought that came to my mind was were is my foundation? Is it build upon Christ? (Helaman 5:12)
How do I know that I have a sure foundation?
Well you know me being the Sheldon that I am (big bang theory for all ya'll who didn't catch the reference) started thinking a little scientifically.
Well we can know we have a sure foundation if we test it.
I feel like this trial was a test of my foundation, to help me analyze what my foundation is built upon and to even allow me to build it stronger.
Well I survived my trial and indeed was able to come closer to my Heavenly Father and Savior as I relied upon them to help me through it.
Now I can testify with even more power that I know there is no trial too big, no problem too difficult, and no circumstance that our savior can not reach us in. He is always there to help us NO MATTER WHAT!
Heavenly Father loves us so much and wants us to live with him again. He wants that more than anything. (moses 1:39)
Also we were at dinner one night and the patriarch of the family said the closing prayer, in which he said "Father help us to return home safely," before I just thought that that meant to return to that place we eat and sleep in safety, but I now realize that could also mean that we return to live with our Heavenly Father in our Heavenly Home again, in safety.
My life has changed so much, or rather my perspective has changed so much, and definitely for the better. I love being a missionary. I know I say that every week, but I mean it every week and I only have so many weeks that I can say that.
This is a wonderful experience.
Before I close this e-mail I just wanted to remind you all to look up Elder Ballard's talk from this past conference. He asked ALL of us to bring someone unto the gospel before Christmas. WELL... clocks a ticking.
Just because ya'll live in Utah does not make you exempt! There are still our brothers and sisters there that need our help! Don't just be a good example, INVITE them to learn more and grow closer to Christ and our Heavenly Father. Invite the missionary spirit into your lives and I know that you will see great miracles and blessings! And this I testify of in the name of Jesus Christ. Amen.
Love ya'll!
Rock hard, rock on!!
Sister Chambers

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