I have been going through the awkward post missionary stage of my life.
I feel like I have done pretty well so far, but here is a wonderful list of things that I am still battling...
Not introducing myself as Sister Chambers
Not calling my roommate my companion
Not calling my other roommates sisters
The approaching cold weather
Though I may not be a set apart Sister Missionary, my heart is the same. I always want to be looking for opportunities to serve others, and my Heavenly Father.
One of the opportunities I have recently noticed is the chance to be an online Missionary. Ya see I currently live in Provo... would it suffice to say that many members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints live here? Well it's true.
I have a hard time finding someone to invite to learn more from the missionaries, so I have turned to the internet. I have been posting things about how excited I am for the upcoming General Conference which happens tomorrow.
One thing about Facebook, and twitter these days is hashtags! If you have not discovered how these little gems work it's about time. When you hashtag something it becomes easier to track. When many people are using the same hashtag phrase then it may become "trending." This means that it shows up on the side bar of Facebook, making it way more visible for many other people.
So here is my challenge to everyone... ha yeah missionary habit to invite people to act.... but any who.... I CHALLENGE YOU (YOU KNOW WHO YOU ARE!) TO POST SOMETHING FROM CONFERENCE! I encourage everyone to use the #LDS #LDSCONF #GENERALCONFERENCE #THEPROPHETSPEAKS or even the speakers names. If we all do this we can be a huge force for good on the internet.
Well I think that is all that I have to say... I think I just miss writing to be honest.
Afton Michelle
Friday, October 3, 2014
Thursday, July 17, 2014
I'm not ready to be a returned Sister Missionary!
So for those who have been Faithful in following my blog you may have noticed that I have not posted recently, which of course should happen because my weekly letters get put on here... yeah about that.
So on June 27th 2014 I came home early from my mission.
I had been having hip pains and problems for the past 6 weeks, which had been a really humbling experience. I had been to doctors who couldn't tell me what was wrong or what had happened, and to be honest I was frustrated. I wanted more than anything to run from house to house and talk to everyone in our path, which is difficult when you are traveling the speed of a snail.
I went to Florida to preach the gospel, not to lay in a bed.
So that was it, I was promptly put on a plane to come home to get better.
The plan right now is to get back out there as soon as I can. And boy, are we doing nearly everything we can to get this fixed. Trips to the chiropractor 3 times a week, massages (my favorite), lots of new stretches, WATER, and more prayers than I ever imagined.
I'm so not ready to be a returned Sister Missionary.
I'm not ready to date,
or watch t.v.
I'm not ready to hear politics,
or see loved ones fall off the path.
I'm not ready to stop praying for investigators,
or to be alone by myself.
I'm not ready to listen to the radio,
or to realize everyone's lives continued while I was gone.
I'm not ready for pants,
or to pretend like I didn't get a bit of a southern drawl.
But I am ready to do Heavenly Fathers will.
I am ready to uplift others,
and to try and be my best self.
I am ready to learn more about who I am,
and where I need to be.
I am ready to see some miracles happen,
even if they are only the small and simple things.
So here I am. Not ready, but ready, all at the same time.
I love ya'll.
Wish me luck.
Sister (Afton Michelle) Chambers
So on June 27th 2014 I came home early from my mission.
I had been having hip pains and problems for the past 6 weeks, which had been a really humbling experience. I had been to doctors who couldn't tell me what was wrong or what had happened, and to be honest I was frustrated. I wanted more than anything to run from house to house and talk to everyone in our path, which is difficult when you are traveling the speed of a snail.
I went to Florida to preach the gospel, not to lay in a bed.
So that was it, I was promptly put on a plane to come home to get better.
The plan right now is to get back out there as soon as I can. And boy, are we doing nearly everything we can to get this fixed. Trips to the chiropractor 3 times a week, massages (my favorite), lots of new stretches, WATER, and more prayers than I ever imagined.
I'm so not ready to be a returned Sister Missionary.
I'm not ready to date,
or watch t.v.
I'm not ready to hear politics,
or see loved ones fall off the path.
I'm not ready to stop praying for investigators,
or to be alone by myself.
I'm not ready to listen to the radio,
or to realize everyone's lives continued while I was gone.
I'm not ready for pants,
or to pretend like I didn't get a bit of a southern drawl.
But I am ready to do Heavenly Fathers will.
I am ready to uplift others,
and to try and be my best self.
I am ready to learn more about who I am,
and where I need to be.
I am ready to see some miracles happen,
even if they are only the small and simple things.
So here I am. Not ready, but ready, all at the same time.
I love ya'll.
Wish me luck.
Sister (Afton Michelle) Chambers
Tuesday, June 24, 2014
Look before crossing the road or you might get hit by a fire truck
This week has been quite eventful. We have been so busy trying to see every Less active or potential investigator to invite them out to the Luau that took place on Saturday. The Luau ended up being a hit! We had a whole smoked pig (which the church still smells like...) and lots of fun. We were able to have two less actives join us and 3 investigators. One of our investigators competed in a hula hoop contest and won! After the Luau we took them on a tour of the church, and they seemed to like it a lot and wanted to come the next day. Unfortunately they had to cancel at the last second, but they may be more inclined to come now because they are familiar with everything. Oh and sorry I forgot to tell everyone that this was transfer week... that's why I didn't send out my usual e-mail yesterday. Any who, a few weeks ago we invited a guy and his sister out to church with us, and they came and we were super excited. Well we went back last week to invite them to the Luau. The Brother was not there but it was perfect because we finally had time to talk to his sister and see if she had any questions. She asked us a few questions and then she got to the Book of Mormon and was asking a bit about what it was, she said her brother had told her some things about it. So we asked her if she wanted a copy of her own. She got so excited!!! So we gave it to her. She told us that she was going to put off all other reading until she finished the Book of Mormon. Yipee! We will be seeing both of them on Thursday to finally go over the restoration in full. With trying to see so many less actives we have been able to have lessons with a few less actives that it is usually hard for us to get ahold of. It has been so neat to kind of watch peoples lives from a distant and see the Lords hand in everything. I have learned that he continually gives us MULTIPLE chances to accept to live the gospel more fully in our lives. He opens the doors for these less actives time and time again. Now whether they walk through the door or not that is their choice and their agency. BUT it's always open. God is so Good. He is always in the details of life. If you can't tell why something is happening you just have to take a step back an see the bigger picture, or get a little closer to notice a detail about something. Oh so here is a story for all of ya'll.... Yesterday we drove up to a potentials house and Sister Shumway almost parked in front of a fire hydrant, but then I pointed it out to her and she moved the car up more away from it. Right after she parked the car a fire engine came bolting down the road. She looked at me and said moving away from the fire hydrant was a very good idea. We got out of the car and started to cross the street when we got honked at by another fire engine making its way down the street. (It scared Sister Shumway pretty badly) So 6 fire trucks later we were really curious as to what was happening. They were over by a potential, two investigators and a members house so we were really interested. We went and found out it was different house that had caught on fire. Everyone made it out safely and they quickly got the fire contained. Though it was scary it was a good opportunity to meet some of the people in the area. It seems like no one here knows their neighbors, until there is a tragedy, then everyone comes out of the woodworks. Online work!!! It has been so grand to have the facebook events up and running each week. I have been able to send missionaries to a few different people and send out some more copies of the Book of Mormon. Yesterday I even posted a post with a quote from President Monson and a non-member shared the post on her wall. Ha it is so neat! The Lord is really hastening the work. We just have to keep our eyes open for the opportunities to share this wonderful message with those around us. So I'm not being transferred. Actually all the Missionaries in our ward are staying in our ward. There seems to be some big changes basically everywhere else though. We have so many new people in leadership positions. It's interesting to see how things pan out, who goes where and who ends up with who. Another weird story... We went to a members house last Monday. She offered us an apple so we took her up on the offer. As she closed the fridge door I noticed something. On her fridge was a picture of LINDAY FULTON! A wedding invite. In Florida. Well turns out that she married the members, husbands, best friend... if that makes any sense. So it was a weird moment when the world became a lot smaller than I thought it was. I'm not sure what else to inform ya'll on. I hope that everything is going well for you and that your summer is not as sweltering as it is here. But at least we get a few rain storms each week... well it doesn't really help because it just makes everything really humid, but oh well. We love the lightning storms they bring. Love ya'll! Love,
Monday, June 16, 2014
Dear family and fiends how all ya all doing
So this week launched our facebook campaign #discoverthebook which many of you may have seen or heard about. Well it was super successful. We were in the Deseret news, and Mormon.org did a write up on us. We are starting to get peoples attention. BUT this week is part two. Tomorrow is the event #searchthebook. We want everyone to post a picture of them reading the Book of Mormon in their favorite reading spot. Make it your profile picture for the week, so more people will have the chance of seeing it! The other facebook missions are joining with us and hopefully we will have 100,000 people invited to attend this event, but we need your help. Please look up the event on facebook and join it since I can't personally invite you on facebook to do that! But we have seen MIRACLES from it! Me and Sister Shumway have been able to send out 3 copies of the Book of Mormon to people. One in Ohio, one in Arizona, and another to North Carolina. People are interested in reading it. Also a girl found me and we have been teaching her a bit. She just started meeting with Elders but after a lesson or two with us she had decided to be baptized!!!! This week she is praying about when. Super excited. Too bad my mission president won't let me go to Canada to see it :/ ha just kidding. :) But with the online miracles comes some of the online crazies. One lady told me that Joseph Smith was taken over by the angel Mormoni. I had a good chuckle at that one. Our investigators are kind of at stand stills right now. So we are taking a big leap of faith and dropping those who are not progressing, and trying to find people who will progress. We need to find those who The Lord has prepared to learn about this right now, and just let the seeds we have planted in others grow for a while. We have been doing a lot of tracting and have met some very interesting people. Most of them have been nice this week. One lady even gave us some mimosas and peaches from her front yard. Mimosa smells so wonderful! The south really does beat us when it comes to lovely smelling flowers. I gave my first training in district meeting. It was on the Book of Mormon. I have come to love that book soooo much more than I even thought was possible. A lady this week asked us why we carry around the Book of Mormon and not the bible. Well I realized a bible wouldn't do us much good here any way because everyone already has one, and they all interpret it differently. The Book of Mormon is so important because it really does show us that we have the priesthood power in our church. THE PRIESTHOOD it EVERYTHING! It's the most important part of the religion. If it wasn't for that we would just be another church without authority to perform saving ordinances. So many people just go for socializing down here. Its pretty crazy. Oh I don't know if I mentioned this but our President has asked that we ask our friends and family back home to join us in praying and asking Heavenly Father to help us achieve our goal of 1,000 baptisms this year. We need a lot of help and a lot of faith that we will be able to do this. Each missionary signed a banner with their name and how many they say they want to baptize this year, I will send a picture later. We also attended Emma's baptism this week. She is already a member of the ward, but we took our investigator and taught the restoration. It was fantastic! I'm not sure what else there is to share except pictures! :) have a great week! Love, Sister Chambers
Wednesday, June 11, 2014
This is going to be BIG
Well I will just jump right in I hope all ya all that is family
and friends are doing well
So this week our mission is launching a huge facebook event called discover the book and I need everyones help! Join the group called to share and invite ALL of your friends. Then Tomorrow at 11. we need everyone to post a picture of themselves holding the Book of Mormon open in front of your face. We are trying to share this all over the world and need everyone we know on board. All 26 facebook missions are helping us and we have even gotten a hold of some very famous Mormons. I will send an attachment of my Picture I will use. This week has been a test of faith, but still good none the less. All of our investigators dropped us but one, and on tuesday our zone leaders said that they prayed and they felt prompted that all of us should commit to a baptism this month. Well we don't have many gators so we know that this is going to be a miracle, and only by the power of God will this happen. So each ward fasted for one day last week to jump start the month, and then this week, everyday we are fasting from a different thing like music, candy, mail, and other things. Our mission is trying to expand its vision. As part of that our goal is 1000 baptisms this year. So Our president has asked that we invite all our families and friends to pray with us that we will be able to find those 1000 people who The Lord is preparing to hear the gospel at this time. It's pretty exciting, but we need all the help that we can get!! :) Lot of things in the works here, including a southern luau. The other sisters started heading this project, but have gotten so busy with facebook that it has kind of been handed over to me and my comp. So we are putting on a luau!! It will be awesome, we are even having a full sized pig there and hawaiin dancers. The young men are performing the hawka, and its just going to be fantastic. I also had a surprise tradeoff this week. The sister training leaders forgot to tell us, but it was awesome none the less. It's good to kind of get away. We had presidents interviews on Friday and it was so good to sit down and talk with the president and his wife. they are super sweet and I know that they are my mission president for a reason. I also want to hear from everyone what their favorite Book of Mormon scripture is and why... EVERYONE has been slacking at this. PLEASE can I hear them? :) Well we have a very busy day today and we must be going. So I bid you adieu. Love, Sister Chambers
yellow flies and yucky guys
Dear family and friends
I hope you have had a wonderful week here is my adventure for this past week
So I have discovered a new insect, Yellow flies. They are
horrible. They follow you around and bite you and are just not very
nice. We accidentally walked into a group of them and they stayed with
us all the way home, which was about a mile from where we ran into
The yucky guys part come from the ward members. Saturday night there
was a relief society event, a pintrest party, and everyone had their
phones out showing me pictures of different guys they want me to
marry. I don't think I will have any problems finding a date when I get home.
Any who this week has been interesting. Actually pretty hard. We had 2 nearly 3 people drop us this week and our investigator who was supposed to be baptized called it off. BUT good news is she is still investigating, and now the ward wants to get more involved to help her get to her baptism. With all these tough things happening I realized that something wonderful MUST be coming our way, or else our faith wouldn't need testing right now. :) But on the plus side... It was fun to see all the pictures of graduation this week, congrats to ALEX! Not too much happened this week that is note worthy. Oh we did go to a priesthood training meeting on Saturday, and it was strange to be in a sea of white shirts. But they fed us pancakes, with ice cream on top, so it was totally worth it. One thing we are focusing on is family history. There is a sister here who had to go home early because of health problems but has been able to come back out, any who she said that the only thing she could do to stay in the missionary mindset and feeling was to do family History. One thing that I didn't realize that we could do is upload stories and photos of our ancestors. I know that we have some lying around somewhere, we need to get them into the system so I can show others where I come from :) It's amazing how quickly Family History softens the hearts of all those around us. It's like magic. Well, running out of things to say. Hope ya'll have a great start to your summer! Love ya! Love, Sister Chambers
Mango Mac n cheese
hello to all the people I know
So Yesterday I had some great Mango mac n cheese. I was kinda nervous to try it, but now I am a big fan and will have to make ya'll some when I get home! :) I also had dolphin, doesn't make me too happy... but they said it was an ugly dolphin. ? This week was good... Highlights include: Finding Wild Blackberries, 3 investigators at church, Zone conference, Chinchilla, and 2 parties! The 3 investigators that we had at church was such a miracle. One day we were going to go pick up something from a member, who happened to not be there, so we turned around and were walking back. Along the way we met a man walking his dog. Well he had a giant tattoo on the back of his leg with 4 nails making a cross, so I asked him about it. Turns out he loves Jesus. Also turns out that he and his sister are church shopping currently. We invited them to come to our church. He said hmm, ya know what my sister was just saying the other day that we should try a local church. :) We got his contact info and he and his sister did come to church! They sat behind us, and then our gator with a baptism date came in late and sat down next to us. After the sacrament our bap gator turned around and freaked out. The sister was her music teacher in Middle school, how neat! So we invited her to the baptism, and I'm pretty sure they are coming. Church was pretty great because it was a missionaries farewell, he is going to Australia speaking mandarin, so the whole day was mission themed, and the gators have a few questions to ask us so we are going back! :) Miracles do happen! Zone conference was wonderful! We focused on a talk entitled the consecrated missionary. It was neat because I don't ever remember reading it officially, but many things stood out to me like I had just read them recently. The talk was very straight forward about how we need to really do our best and be exactly obedient, why? Because we love The Lord. This has stuck in my head whenever the natural man tends to ask why we are doing something. Any who, I loved conference and being able to hear from our leaders and get ideas about how to better help our investigators. Our focus right now is GENEALOGY. President feels like this will be a huge thing that we can do with people so that they can feel the spirit of Elijah, and their hearts can be softened so they will be open to receiving the gospel themselves. Actually that is how our investigator decided to be baptized. We taught the plan of salvation and told her about spirit paradise and prison and how all our ancestors who where not baptized wait there for us to be baptized for them. BUT in order to be baptized for them we must be baptized ourselves. Well that is when she knew that she had to be baptized, so that she could help her family. It just makes me so happy. Chinchilla! One of our new investigators has a chinchilla, and I got to hold it! Man that thing was so soft! I was kind of nervous to hold it because it just looks like a hybrid of a rat and a rabbit, but it ended up being pretty friendly. Pictures to come. But our new investigators love learning about the church. We taught the plan of salvation and they just soaked it up like little sponges! Hopefully they will be able to come to church this week. Parties! We went to two of them this week. One with all the people who live in our area of the ward, and the other with the young women. They are selling lumpia, which is like egg rolls, for their camp fundraiser. We went over with our gator to help make them. The young women are so amazing. I'm grateful that I have spent more than half of my mission in young womens with an investigator. Oh also yesterday we had 2 less actives at church. One had her baby blessed and the other is trying to come more regularly, which is just blessed! Well I feel like time between p-days is just getting shorter and shorter. Didn't I just write ya'll last week. Time is flying by! I love ya'll and hope that you are having a great Memorial Day! Love, Sister Chambers
Wednesday, May 7, 2014
The ABC's of being a Missionary
Dear family And friends
Many things happened this week and we will just begin with the ABC'S A and B are for AppleBees! This thursday was Sister Shumways 20th Birthday so we went out to Applebees with our carpanionship. (I have decided it was a pretty clever name for them.) When we got there one of the sisters gave us both gifts. Mine was a key chain of a bee to always help me remember that one time that I was stung by a dumb bee. C is for CAKE!! I think a week ago I sent you a picture of that pink and yellow cake I made? Any who this week I made and ate a lot of cake, judge least ye be judged. ;) I made Sister Shumway special pancakes made out of funfetti cake mix. They were pretty tasty. Then with the left over mix i made cup cakes. Her favorite type of cake is Black Forest cake. It is chocolate cake with cream cheese and cherry pie filling. I must admit though that I am getting pretty great at making cakes. This one was really tasty. I liked it because there was no frosting on top that would sit really heavy in your stomach, so you just felt like you could keep eating it. Then on Saturday we had a meal with a member and guess what they gave us... cheese cake, which is still in the cake family. And she gave us some to go. I think I am getting all caked out! Besides that we had a very busy week this week. Monday- We had a lesson with our Gator Betsy and brought a member along with us. The member was stellar and just invited Betsy over to her home for dinner with us on saturday and to watch Joseph Smith Prophet of the restoration. Tuesday- We had lessons with our little Rosie before she went to young womens, and also we have another gator also named Betsy who came and watched finding faith in christ with us at the church. Oh also we walked 3 miles to a lesson from the church, and 3 miles back. It was really hot and we were really tired. Wednesday- Our ward mission leader came out with us for a lesson. The lesson fell through so he went and walked around the neighborhood with us. We introduced him to some of our investigators and were able to have two lessons. One with Denise and one with Mike. We even scheduled another lesson for this upcoming wednesday. We also introduced him to Bill (the wwII vet) (oh and Dad I did shake his hand and say thanks for all he has done for our freedom). Thursday- We had a zone meeting, and it was pretty swell. I love those meetings because it brings the spirit more into the work and I have noticed that each time I really feel the spirit stronger it makes me want to work harder and do more! :) Also this was Sister Shumways birthday! We just ended the night with tracting and looking for more people to teach. Friday- I felt really really really sick when I woke up. We took the carpanionship sisters to a meeting that they had, then we went to another room to study and I fell asleep on the ground. Later we talked to the Mission Presidents wife and it turned out I was just really, really, really dehydrated. She made me drink 3 water bottles right in front of her. That seemed to help a lot, but now everyone is on my case about how much water I am drinking. We planned for our week and then took off to tract. We were walking a street we usually walk on and then I noticed that another street stems out from it. So we decided to go down it. The first 2 houses were duds. The third house we knocked on a man came to the door and then said that he was going to get the lady of the house. When she came walking up she was carrying a load of laundry and seemed a bit frustrated that someone was at the door for her. She threw the basket down and then turned to see who it was. Surprisingly we knew her and she knew us!! She is actually pretty good friends with a member and a less active. We had met her about a month ago at the hospital when we went to see our less active and her new baby. So instantly perked up and invited us in. We were able to share with her the message of the restoration and invited her to be baptized and read the Book of Mormon. She said yes!! We are meeting with her next friday and a member (her friend) might even host it in her home!!! Oh God is Good! It's more then just good luck that we knocked on her door. After we realized that we had given her the last copy of the Book of Mormon in my bag so we headed back to the car for more. On our return back there were some people out smoking and drinking in their drive way so we went up to talk to them. One man invited us to a bbq and to the beach on Sunday. He also invited us to partake of items that are against the word of wisdom. We declined. He then asked if we were nuns and we told him we were missionaries and then he de-invited us to the bbq. He said other interesting things that I may just need to save for stories when I arrive home. The best way to put it was that he was way drunk. Maybe when he sobers up he will find out card and check out the website. I guess we can only hope. We then continued down the street and saw one of our gators out smoking with one of our potentials. She seemed to be having a rough day. We went over and talked, and she had some great questions about the plan of salvation. We taught the second lesson and found out that she really does want to stop smoking. We told her about the power that the Book of Mormon can really give her, a power that could even help her overcome her weaknesses. She was pretty intrigued by that. I hope she puts more effort into reading it! Saturday- We helped said gator with a garage sale in the morning. She then introduced us to some of her neighbors and it was the sweetest thing because she introduced us as her sisters. I love her and I am so sad that her house sold so she is moving in a month to wyoming. She said that after our missions we have to come visit her, so we are already mapping out a road trip!!! Maybe she will be baptized by then and we can go to the temple with her soon after!! :) Please keep praying that Denise will read the Book of Mormon!! :) We had correlation with our ward mission leader who seemed to be very impressed with the work me and sister Shumway are doing. Which is kind of abnormal for him. He seems to look for your faults and point them out. It's all in good work though because he wants to see us work like a finely tuned machine. I was also flattered a bit when he told me he is going to be really upset when I leave and that he will call president craig and give him a piece of his mind if he decided to move me. (also mind you he is a welch man and everything he says is in a British accent, I'm getting pretty good at mimicking him) Following our meeting we had dinner with the other sisters at Sister Davelines along with our investigator Betsy. She really enjoyed watching Joseph Smith: prophet of the restoration, though she seemed to gain a lot of questions, like what where with the oxen in the temples, and what where the swoopy nosed creatures (the sun stones on the temple) Sunday- We went to the Fort Lauderdale Temple dedication! It was so wonderful. Uchdorf spoke and he was pretty comical. He said that he was so glad to see all the young people that were in attendance, and that some of them were still awake. He said that it was ok that others were sleeping because a church sleep is a healthy sleep, that they had come there to find peace, and peace they found. One thing he said that I really enjoyed was that things of the temple can not be explained, they can only be felt. He gave the example of a boy asking his parents how they knew they loved him, when they tried to explain their answers the young boy was not pleased with the response. The parents then asked him how he knew that he loved them, he said I feel it here, in my heart. I have learned that one of the biggest things of this gospel is not necessarily knowing, or learning, but feeling. The Spirit will always testify of truths, so all we have to do is become so in tune that we will be able to hear him testifying to us. We stopped by and saw Betsy and were able to read the first chapter of the Book of Mormon with her. She is the sweetest little old lady that you have ever met. Except for my grandmas of course. But any who I have big news!! On thursday I get to go to the Orlando Temple!!! YAY! 1 yr ago on the 3rd I received my own endowment. 1 yr ago on the 4th I opened my mission call. Now I get to go back to the house of The Lord. It seemed like this would never be a possibility for me on my mission because Orlando is not within our mission boundaries. But now we can attend twice on our missions, our half way mark, and right before we go home. It will be so wonderful to see everyone from the MTC there with me. We were unfortunate to not be able to go to the temple together when we were at the MTC because the provo temple was closed for cleaning. But now we get to go and I am sooooo excited! Also next Mother's Day I get to talk to mi familia! Wahoo! Can't wait, this is the best week ever!!! So here are some requests of ya'll this week. Pray for Betsy, Denise, and Jennifer to read the Book of Mormon. Pray for Mike's heart to be opened. And pray that Rosangela will pick a day to be baptized this month. Also I would like to hear your "Ah Ha" moments from the Book of Mormon. Our mission Presidents wife has been asking for us to share these with her for all of my mission and it has been really neat to read some of them. But just this past week our mission President and his wife had the opportunity to meet with Elder Holland and some other Mission Presidents. Elder Holland said that we as a church need to be having more "Ah Ha" moments with the Book of Mormon. These will come as we truly search for knowledge from the Book of Mormon. So please share your insights with me! They may just be inspiration that will help me with my investigators. Well I love all of ya'll! I love ya little, I love ya big, I love you like a little pig. However that much is...? :) I hope you make this week just as awesome of a week as mine is looking out to be! Love, Sister Chambers
Dear family and friends
This week we have had to walk extra because we are out of miles. Moral of the story if you drive 50-60 miles a day you are going to run out very quickly of the 1100 allotted miles. We have had many adventures walking. One of our least favorite parts is that the blood rushes to your fingers and then they swell up.
A bit ago all 4 of us sisters in
the car share were hopping into the car when they saw a snake. They couldn't tell whether or not it was alive so they decided to poke it. Then they lifted it up on a pen and when they did so it kept it's shape because it was rigamortis (spelling?) So this week whenever Sister Shumways fingers swell up she tells me they are rigamortis. Ha. We also met this old guy. And I can say he is old because this upcoming week he will be turning 90! Any who he has a very neat story, turns out he was a Japanese prisoner of war during World War II. During our first encounter he was not interested in hearing our message or allowing us to help him, but being as we walk a lot he saw us walking on saturday and invited us to a sprite. He asked if we wanted a little one or a big one. Wanting to be conservative we said that we only wanted a little one. He proceeded to pull out these itty bitty cans of sprite. Then he said Oh I have a little beer to match it! HA HA he reminded me a lot of Grandpa Chambers. Before we left he gave us pictures of him when he entered the navy, then 70 years later in the same location, and a picture of the ship that he was on when it sunk and he became a P.O.W. Then we happened upon him last night as well and this time he had prepared for us a big book filled with his whole story. It is pretty neat to read his experience and see how he continued to preserver even during really horrible circumstances. He is still not interested in learning more about our church, but he may have invited us to his birthday party. Oh I am training to run a 5k! A bunch of us missionaries are going to get shirts made up with a name tag and tie on the front with Mormon missionaries on the back, along with mormon.org. We have heard from a ward member that it is a great way to get media referrals! :) So because we only have 1/2 an hour in the morning we have condensed our nightly planning to be able to go out and run about a mile and half before we go to sleep. I thought that I was exhausted when I got home before, but now I am convinced that nothing can wake me up at night! I sleep not just like a rock, but like a boulder Miracles are in abundance here though! A week or two ago we met a little old lady who was walking her dog and found out that she had been to one of our buildings in Orange Park to do family history (because our building does not have a family history center, it has an institute instead.) Any way... We told her that we would find someone who would be able to teach her more about how to do her family history on her own and she thought that sounded like a wonderful idea!! We then remembered that we had a twig meeting set up this week just for family history. We left a little invitation on her doorstep one day because she was not home. We were not sure if she would turn up or not so we were kind of playing it by ear. As the time drew nigh we were nearly positive that she was not going because we had called her and had not heard back from her. BUT then a little ray of hope came, the other sisters in our ward called us and asked us if we knew a Betsy? Oh we rushed to the church as fast as the regulated speed limit would allow. (Yes, we are being exactly obedient and following the laws of the land.) We had a great evening and learned more about how we can do our family history. Then we decided to take her on a little tour to the chapel. When we got there and turned on the light she said it was a wonderful room and she enjoyed it a lot. We invited her to come and visit our church, and then came a whole slew of questions. We were able to give her a Book of Mormon and she said that she would think about going to church on sunday because 12:30 was not too early for her. Unfortunately she didn't come on Sunday but we have an appointment with her tonight at 8! and a member is coming! wahoo! Oh also on Tuesday we met with one of our recent converts friends and she ended up teaching us the restoration. Her family is from Cuba and she then told us how there were two elders who would go over to their home and her Dad would always get excited. She then told us that they had a video about Joseph Smith and that her family watches it pretty often. WOW! GOLDEN GATOR! So We were able to set a baptism date with her for the 17th of May. On Sunday we went to class with her, in young womens they talked about the restoration of the priesthood and what that means for all of us. She had some really good questions and then after the lesson she told us that she wanted a priesthood blessing. So we got the elders and they were able to give her a blessing, she loved it! Later we found out that she has some concerns about being baptized so this week we are going to try and really understand what would be holding her back. Our pool of investigators has grown a lot since we have been walking which is super wonderful. Now we are just working to find out who is really ready to work to find the truth. As we are walking around everywhere people are really noticing us. People are waving and smiling at us, which does not always happen as a missionary, but I feel like we have become a staple in the community. :) Just this week a lady brought us care packages. We are not sure who she is, whether she is a member of another ward, a less active, or a non-member completely. But she brought all 4 of us in our car share a little package. It has sunscreen, aloe, a hand fan, sun glasses, slippers, salt foot soak, shoe insoles, and little wash clothes. She said that the spirit lead her to make these little packages for us and then when she dropped them off she wouldn't tell anyone who she was and said let not the left hand know what the right hand is doing. Pretty neat if you ask me. Sometimes it's fun to see life from my companions perspective, so here it is... :) "Bro Jenkins: "How do you recognize truth?" YM: "if it feels right." Mallory: "it felt right to eat a cupcake... But then I threw up..." This week has been interesting... We have done a lot of tracting, we are helping the other sisters find some investigators. We were knocking this neighborhood and we got to this door and I knocked, sister chambers looked at the house number funny, and then turned to me and opened her mouth to tell me something, when the door opened.... And sister Patch stood there (her husband is in the mission presidency) I got really embarrassed and said "sorry we accidentally knocked on your door-" and sister chambers elbowed me in the ribs, and said "we were just in the neighborhood and wanted to see how you were doing!!" Sister Patch just laughed and invited us in for some water. Ha ha ha. If you haven't figured it out yet... Missionaries are compulsive liars. Ha ha ha in the best way possible though... :) We have a really great ward mission leader here in mandarin. His name is Dave Mathews (imagine my shock when I was looking at his friend list and found out that he is friends with my mom... Weird... It is like mission and home life is mixing that is weird... :) ) any way he is hilarious. He used to be JW, so he knows too much about missionary work. We were talking with him and he was trying to get us to look for more refurals and he was all like (he is a Welshman so imagine the following in a British accent) "it isn't that hard! All you have to do is get a copy of the news paper and look at the obituaries!! Automatic refural for someone in distress!! Then you go to the rest of the families effected... And BOOM automatic 5 families!!" He also told us how you can access tax records to get peoples's information... No worries I have no plans to use that method, people get angry enough when we knock on their door. Ha ha ha needless to say the work here is a lot different from St. Augustine!! Ha ha ha A couple weeks ago we had been tracting with the other sisters and were heading back to the the car. Sister Chambers got in the driver's side and I walked around to the other side and right in front of my door was a snake, it was black with a blue stripe down its back. I just sat there watching it waiting for it to move when the other 2 sisters came up behind me and asked if it was dead.... We didn't know, so we poked it with a stick, and it didn't move so we poked again... Same result... So we picked it up with two sticks and and it retained the same shape! Ew! So threw it into the Forrest. We got back in the car. Sister chambers was just sitting there and was like "what took so long?" Me: there was a snake, her: how do you know it was dead? Me: it was rigamortis ha ha ha , later we had been walking for a couple miles when sister chambers started walking like those older ladies that go walking in groups in the morning :) aka speed walking with her hands up and arms swinging. I thought that either she was trying to walk faster or burn more calories walking or something... So I dicided to follow her example but I must have gotten more in to it.... Because she turned to me and asked what in the world I was doing. I stopped and was all like, I don't know... What are you doing?? Her: I am trying to stop my fingers swelling. I looked down at my fingers that resembled sausages more so than usual, the I lifted the slowly to eye level and declared "they are rigamortis!!" Ha ha ha " I know our Father in Heaven is mindful of all of us! This week I had a few rough days were I was frustrated with the car and mile circumstance, but got would send me angels each time I needed a pick me up. Sometimes he just send members driving down the road we are walking on and they may honk and wave and it just cheers me up! or sometimes they even pull over and talk to you for a moment. I love it! Who needs angels in white robes when you have members who listen to the spirit! :) There truly is angels among us. I feel my desires changing... it's kind of strange. All I want to do is think and talk about my investigators. In the past it would be easy to talk about pop culture before the mission, music, movies, books, t.v. shows, but now I really could care less. My favorite music is the lamb of God, my favorite movie is Joseph Smith: prophet of the restoration, my favorite book is the Book of Mormon, and my favorite t.v. shows are the bible videos. Everyday really is one less day that I have to spend out here doing The Lords will. That is a sad thought to think about. Pop quiz this week: Did Jesus Christ prophesy that Peter would deny him 3 times or did he command him to deny him 3 times? -Think about it though... Peter was with Jesus ALWAYS. But Jesus gave Peter the keys, he would be the next in line, so it was important that he was not killed or the church would not have a leader... pretty interesting. another thing to ponder: Matthew 16:15-19 What does peter mean? Footnote 18 a! :) Also it is my duty to follow up with all of you... how is your reading of preach my gospel coming? Remember that we were all asked by an apostle of The Lord Jesus Christ to do so! ;) Well I love all of you! SOOOO MUCH! I hope that this week you can see miracles too! Love, Sister Chambers
Monday, April 14, 2014
This one time....
Dear family and friends
So Sister Shumway has experienced me at my tiredest this week, which resulted in us lying in bed and me listing off a bunch of crazy stories from my life, and each one began with this one time... We have had a fantastic week, I was so tired because we have been talking to so many people and have just been so busy!! We have 3 new investigators this week!! Oh I love walking. It makes it so easy to just go up to people and talk to them. I am loving it! First few days my feet and my legs were sore, but now I think I'm getting used to it. So this one time.... we were walking in an area and looking for people out and about that we could help. We were walking by this one house when I felt the spirit tell me to go knock on it... I shrugged it off... then it told me to go knock on it again... and I ignored it... then the prompting came a third time. Me and sister Shumway were in the middle of the road almost completely passed the house when I just threw my hands in the air and said fine and began back to knock that houses door. Just as we were about to knock we noticed that she had a bunch of mulch bags in the front of her house. We told her that we would love to help her and she said she didn't need help... well needless to say she was very closed when we began our conversation. After she declined our offer to serve her we began to teach her about the Book of Mormon and read a scripture from it to her. We asked her what she thought and she said that it would require some more investigation. So we said here ya go, and gave her the book. At the end of our conversation she not only accepted the Book of Mormon, but she set up a time for us to come back the next day to help her mulch. We brought a member and her 3 yr. old daughter and they were perfect fellowship. We mulched in no time and then she let us teach her the restoration when the task was completed. Then last night she even came over to the members house to watch Joseph Smith Prophet of the restoration. She has not yet read the book, but says she really wants to. She is taking it with her on her vacation to Kentucky, so will everyone PLEASE pray that Denise will read the Book of Mormon this week, that would be wonderful!!! :) So this other time.... We met a lady name cynethia. We invited her to an event this saturday but we couldn't find an invitation. She said that when we found one to come back and give it to her. So the next day we did. She invited us in and we began talking about our favorite things about Jesus Christ. The conversation evolved to her telling us about all these dreams she has been having about her family that has passed away coming to her and trying to tell her something... WOW. She is pretty prepared. We asked her if she wanted to learn more and she said of course... we tried to set a time to come back. Well that resulted in this awkward moment when she had sooo much faith that she wouldn't reschedule with us because she knew we would come back at the right time... ha. So this other time... We were knocking doors when I realized that the door had 2 peep holes, one normal height and one very low. I jokingly said to him, "that's a small peep hole, is it for small people... ha ha ha" He didn't laugh... it was awkward, and he wasn't interested. As we were walking away my comp. said, "that awkward moment when his wife is a midget." GAH! Don't tell me that! So this one time I forgot sunscreen and got sunburned very very bad... It peeled. BUT I think I am actually getting tan!?!?!? So this one time I had a question. I looked at my companion and said what do you say to Jesus when he sneezes? you: bless you Jesus: no, bless you... So this one time a lady tried to bible bash... and it was really hard to not bible bash. Seriously people just because it says in revelations that nothing is to be added to this book, well I always want to rebut with ...that same statement is written in Genesis, so should we just throw away the whole bible? But I contained myself. She asked some questions and we answered, and then she bore her testimony to us, then we bore our testimony to her and read moroni 10:3-5 and asked her to read it and compare it to the bible and find out if some of the things she has heard are really in the Book of Mormon. She accepted and took the book!! Man I know the Book of Mormon is true, it seems that every time we read them something from it they accept the invitation to read it!! :) So this one time sister Lambson told us a joke... Sis L: did you hear about that guy who got his whole left side cut off? Everyone else: what? Sis L: yeah he is all right now. Everyone else: HA HA HA! So this one time our new members brought not only one but two non members to church. We talked to them and they want to learn more and be baptized, so we are going to get their parents permission and begin to teach them!! :) GOD IS SOO GOOD! This was one of the best weeks of my mission. I love being here and am kind of sad that I am at my half way point because that means this is going to end sooner rather then later... :( though don't get me wrong, I still love all of ya'll! :) Happy Easter week! It is going to be so great!! Love ya'll! Love, Sister Chambers
Sharing is Caring
So it has been pretty interesting sharing our car this week... They have to pick us up and drop us off... and the other sisters don't know where anything is so basically I just feel like a chaffer. But in a good way. I love being able to serve them and help them learn the area. So there area is further away then ours so.... looks like we will be looking into bikes today and seeing if any members could loan us some bikes.... I think I'll have the best looking legs by the time I go home. We are really looking hard for new investigators to teach... which means a ton of knocking on doors. But Sister Shumway (my new comp.) is a champ! The first golden hour we had we were able to find a potential. He is interested in learning about our views on life after death. He had a ton of great questions but we didn't have enough time to address all of them. He even gave us a referral for his roommate, who we met the next day and he was pretty nice. Oh Just a little shout out about my comp! She and my trainer were mtc comps and I think she is just the most awesomest person ever. We already are having a wonderful time laughing and telling stories and working super hard. I feel like she pushes me to be a better missionary in the best way possible. She is so sweet and caring and just what I need right now! I have decided that I want to improve myself... like a lot! So to be able to do this I am picking a goal each day and working my hardest to accomplish it... The first day was to hand out 10 cards to people... I got 8! :) Second day was to be bold and tell someone that I know the Book of Mormon can change their life! Did it, and the man even took a Book of Mormon, though he was not exactly ready to meet with us... at least he has the book! Today's goal is to make sure that those who I talk to I make sure to mention the restoration! When you come out on a mission you are so excited to share the gospel, but it seems the longer you are out you begin to loose a little of that zest. The new missionary in the ward is reminding me of what I was like... Super bold and ready to tell everyone about the church. Now I am a little hesitant and sometimes as I see people I let fear rule and not my faith. So my overall goal for this transfer is to not let fear make my decisions. So far I feel like I am improving! Oh CONFERENCE!!! If you loved conference raise your hand (I'm raising mine!!!!!!) I loved Elder Hollands talk. It is so true, people not only want a God who doesn't rock the boat, but they want a God who doesn't even row it. I have seen this so much here in the south... there are non-denominational churches.... WHAT? It shows how people are just making up things that they want and not really doing the Lords will which will really make them happy. I have been pondering on how if we were always only doing the things that we would like it would be detrimental to us. I like to eat, if I ate all the time I would be way over weight. I like to sleep, if I slept all the time, I would be depressed. I like to watch t.v., If I were to watch t.v. all the time I would be lethargic and I wouldn't be doing my Heavenly Fathers will. We really do have to fight against our natural man so that we can become more like our Savior and return to live with our Heavenly Father. There were so many things that I loved, but what about you? What were your favorite parts? Oh I also like when Elder Ballard talked about the members studying preach my gospel and then talking to their missionaries through letters and e-mails about the things that they are learning and how much power this would bring to all of us. Also I loved that he called out everyone to invite people to learn from the missionaries 4 times a year.... I wan't everyone to pay attention to the fact that he didn't say everyone except those who live in Utah. Nonmembers do exists there and its up to you to help them!!! So what's your game plan? Just like I'm stepping up my game I challenge all of you to step up yours and let's be tools in the Lords hands so that we can see the miracles he is waiting to perform! Well I love ya'll a ton!! Have the bestest week ever!! Love, Sister Chambers
Tuesday, April 1, 2014
The things I have learned...
Hey Ya'll! I'm staying here in Mandarin and getting a new companion!!! I am also in a car share... :/ But I have stewardship over the car!! :) We will probably all pitch in to get some bikes or something to get around. I am excited to have another set of sisters in this ward. That makes 6 sisters 2 Elders. 1 crazy ward mission leader. But as far as this week goes I would like to announce that this was the best week of mail yet! Thanks to all those who participated. Cute letters from my nephews, letters from friends, and sistas. LOVED IT! HINT HINT Now that we have that out of the way... This week we had two trade offs. One day I went with sister Ashcraft. We stayed in our ward, but worked in a different area. We met an awesome guy who is a Brazilian ju jitsu fighter. He also teaches a family in our ward, so he already has built in fellowship. I also went to the Hendricks area with Sister Heckle and met some pretty crazy people. It was neat to say the least. My big Easter project is picking up momentum! In 17 days we will be showing the Messiah and having a picture gallery of Jesus Christ. This week a big sign is being made up, and an announcement is going in the paper, so hopefully we draw a big crowd! UM.... I can't think of what else we did. The past days we have been heart attacking people we love as a way for sister Toledo to say goodbye. She is going to Georgia. On Sunday there was a cool fireside where they played memory with pictures of people currently and when they were on their missions. That was neat. Also all the youth got to open up fake mission calls. It was fun to see them all get excited to go out and serve a mission. Yesterday we met with two investigators. We invited both of them to come to conference this week. The one from Colombia for some reason thinks that Jesus will be speaking. She is sweet, but kind of crazy. She always talks about her fear of the Devil, which is not my cup of tea, but hey I don't drink tea. Either way she want's to go to conference so I guess that is a win! OH!!! MY IPAD got wiped clean... which means all the missionary apps were removed and then my IPAD was all worldly... yuck. So today I got a new one. And by new I mean used by a missionary who went home. He left the pictures of his nephew on here though... we thought it was a sisters Ipad because the screen saver was a little baby. This week will be a busy week getting everyone squared away, and figuring out how to share a car... I'm not really great at sharing, and The Lord knew that so he is making me work on it. Hopefully I learn something. Though these past 2 transfers have been my hardest, I think i have learned the most about myself, and also other really important lessons that will help me in life. 1. I have learned how to care for others more, and try to really understand why they do the things that they do. 2. Patience. Sometimes you have to just let people do the wrong things, even when you know its wrong. It ends up being the best way for them to learn. 3. Forgiveness. He is a fool who takes offense when none was meant. He is an even bigger fool who takes offense when it was meant. The greater sin is in not forgiving. 4. We have to have the downs to appreciate the ups. This was the roughest companionship with some of the greatest rewards... Mike and Nicol!!! 5. Prayer is the best remedy for anything!!! My testimony is stronger now, and my relationship with my Heavenly Father is stronger. I don't think I would have traded in these hard times for anything... they have made me stronger. Tough things don't last.... Tough people do! Well there are going to be a lot of changes to get used to this transfer. My new comp will be sister Shumway, from Cottonwood Heights. We have a new District leader, zone leader, and assistant to the president. And a lot of sisters loosing cars... :/ I'm excited. I just know this is going to be good!!! I love ya'll! Hope ya have a great conference weekend! Love, Sister Chambers
Tuesday, March 18, 2014
The Bilingual Baptism Part Dos !!!
Dear Family and Friends
Hooray Mike and Nicol are officially members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. They were baptized on Saturday Morning and received the Gift of the Holy Ghost on Sunday. We put a ton of work and effort into the baptismal program and it went splendidly. First sister Jenkins gave a talk on baptism and the spanish Elders translated. Then they were baptized. Then the spanish Elders taught the restoration in english and spanish while mike and nicol got ready. Then Nicol bore her testimony in English, which we have been helping her all week to put together. Following that two youth from our ward, one that friended nicol and one that friended mike bore their testimonies in Spanish for mike and nicol. Following that was sister Toledo and I's time to shine. We gave a talk on the Holy Ghost, and I thought it went quiet well. Following us there were many welcomings to the ward, and we concluded with the song how great thou art. Unfortunately the pictures of us and them ended up pretty not great, but oh well, better then nothing! :) Any who it has been a real miracle to work with these youth!! My testimony about God's timing has really increased. The Jimenez family moved to America about 6 months ago. They were unable to locate the church building until Jan. 12 2014, which they walked 7 miles to attend church. Not only that but Jan. 12 2014 happened to be mine and sister Toledos first Sunday in this ward. Coincidence, I think not. I know we were supposed to be here exactly when we were. Sister Jenkins sent us a text yesterday that was very applicable to this situation. She was studying Bishop Causses talk from priesthood last October and this is what it says... The gathering of his elect from the four corners of the earth is taking place not only by sending missionaries to faraway countries, but also with the arrival of people from other areas into our own cities and neighborhoods. Many, without knowing it, are being led by The Lord to places where they can hear the gospel and come into His fold. "It is very likely that the next person converted to the gospel in your ward will be someone who does not come from your usual circle of friends and acquaintances. You may note this by his or her appearance, language, manner of dress, or color of skin. This person may have grown up in another religion, with a different background or a different lifestyle" (Ye are no more strangers) All I could say was wow. I am so blessed to be apart of this. But guess what! Another one of my investigators was baptized this week! Emma from back in Gainesville was baptized on Wednesday. After working with her for six months I was so glad to finally see that picture of her all dressed in white! I love her. Goodness, God is Good. So besides all that crazy this week has been productive and fruitful. We met another Columbian.Crazy. Guess I really am supposed to learn spanish, Heavenly Father keeps putting these people in our path. She is from the same city as our recent converts so we hope to get them involved in teaching her. She has already began reading the Book of Mormon and said we could come back on Friday. The other sisters handed off an investigator to us because of rare circumstances... We found Donald, I think I told ya'll about him last week. WELLLLL.... Donald came to church on Sunday. We were talking before church started, and Donald became very persistent about me and him getting married. YUP MARRIED. I told him I was too young, so he asked how old I was. I responded with...21. He said no that is not too young. You can have me, I'm sure your Bishop could marry us. Uh.. I looked around for someone to save me, but I was on my own. I quickly excused myself and asked for the Elders to sit next to him. Now the Elders are teaching Donald. I just don't think that 64 yr old men are my type. Sorry Donald, I'm a Missionary. Another funny moment from this week was when sister Toledo told me she thought your bosom was your bum. Then I asked her... Well what did you think a burning in the bosom was? A burning in the bum? If we felt it that way people might be hopping up out of their seats at church. Ha ha it brought us a good laugh. Oh something else that is pretty neat happened this week. A potential investigator invited us to a neighborhood bbq. That meant we got to meet all the neighbors without knocking on their doors. Also we have a return appointment tonight with one of them, and another is headed to a party with us! Miracle! And another miracle was when a member invited us over to his house to teach his friend. That doesn't happen as often as we would like it to, but the lesson went well and the friend committed to reading the Book of Mormon and Praying about it. :) Any who, this week I have been so busy. So busy that we have had to eat meals on the run, so busy that I sleep sooooo good at night. I'm always tired, but in the best possible way to be tired. I have seen Gods hand in my life this week in a very big way, but I know that he is apart of the small details. Ya know by the small and simple things are great things brought to pass.... ya, it's true. Well guess I should share with all of ya'll how my spanish is coming along.... Yo se que Dio es nuestro Padre Celestial, Yo se que el Evangelio De Jesuchristo is verdadero, Yo se que el libro de mormon es correcto, yo se que Thomas S. Monson es un profeta de dios. En El Nombre de JesuChristo, Amen. I hope that you have a great St. Patricks day!! and Great week!! Love, Sister Chambers
Monday, March 10, 2014
The bilingual baptism!
We are getting so excited for our bilingual baptism this up coming saturday!!! :) Nicol, our investigator, said something so wonderful to us on saturday. She said that she was so happy that her grandparents were able to go to church, because if they didn't walk the 4 miles to church (the first sunday we were in the ward) then they would not have met us, and if they didn't meet us they wouldn't know us, and if they didn't know us then they wouldn't have learned about the gospel, and if they didn't learn about the gospel then they would be getting baptized, and if they were not baptized then they wouldn't be with God. Wow! She is so amazing!! :) She is only 14 yrs old, yet she knows so many wonderful things. Her brother is a hoot as well... Here is some of the things he has said... (in spanish) when I get into college I'm going to tell all the girls... (in english) I like your shoes. (in spanish) then they will all go oooh =) He also asked us if there were going to be alligators in the baptism font. He is sad that he has to take off his necklace for his baptism because he recently reached his year mark of wearing it. Oh goodness I love working with the youth! I realized that most of my mission I have spent my sundays in youth classes and young womens. In Gainesville our investigator Emma was 14 so we went with her, and now we (sister Toledo) has to translate for mike and Nicol so we spend our time in the youth class and young womens. It's fun, I really like it! We also got 2 new investigators this week! One's name is Betsy. She was found by the YSA sisters, and has been working with the other sisters in our ward for a little while now. Unfortunately she got really offended yesterday in church by one of the sisters and does not want to meet with them any more. What happened is that one sister was currently busy talking to another investigator when she came up and wanted all of her attention, and didn't get it. Its tough being a missionary sometimes when people are so soft hearted. It really upset the other sister missionary. Our other new investigators name is Donald. So here is a cool story... Sunday night we were at dinner with a member when we got a call from the assistants to the president. Once we got out of the dinner we called them back and found out that there was a man who had just attended a baptism at the church, and he lived in our area. All the info they had was his name, the street he lived on, and that he was wearing a red coat. So off we went. We ran to the church to see if he was still there, to no avail. Then we decided to start knocking the doors on the street he lived on. Luckily with some guidance he lived at the third house we knocked on. BUT, he was not there. The people who answered the door were very confused about how we knew him and why we were asking for him. We told them that we were told to go visit him. The man was obviously upset and it became apparent to me that Donald was MISSING. The man as about to slam the door in my face when I told him that I may have some information that may help him find him. That he was at our building about an hour ago, and couldn't be too far if he was traveling on foot. We got the mans number to contact him if we found Donald and he left in his car and we left in ours. The man zoomed ahead of us and was in such a hurry to get to the building that he missed the older man walking on the side of the road in a red jacket. Sister Toledo pointed him out to me and we parked the car lickedy split. We walked to him, found out that it was in deed Donald and that he was lost. That he didn't know where he was or how he was going to make it back home. We got the gps from the car and put in his address and walked him home. He said that he liked it in our church and he felt good there. He also said that he liked being with us and it made him feel good. It was so touching to see him tear up as he told us some of the troubles that he is currently facing and also how he knew God loved him because he sent us to help him out in a time of need. He even said that he would like to be baptized himself! How exciting. I'm so grateful to have been apart of such a miracle. The family was so grateful that we were able to find him and bring him home safely. I am mostly happy that he made it back to sleep in his own bed. We plan on seeing him tomorrow night, and he is planning on being baptized on April 12! So ya know how I am so into service right now? yeah well this week it finally warmed up enough to do some gardening! We helped out a lady on saturday and guess what! I got a SUNBURN. Its actually like my first real sunburn of my mission so I am not complaining much, but it still is a little sore and looks funny because my tshirt sleeves were longer then my sleeves of all my cute shirts. Hopefully it just fades soon. Well I heard that Brother Jenkins made it to the home on Saturday! Glad to hear it, unfortunately his wife told me my family was not in a picture taking mood... :( they were going to e-mail them straight to me... oh well. My companions family looked happy. Well This week already looks like a busy busy week, finalizing baptism fun and getting to know two new investigators better! I hope all of you have a great week this week! Don't forget to keep this little old missionary in your prayers! :) I love ya! Love, Sister Chambers Sent from my iPad
Monday, March 3, 2014
The miraculous month of March!
Dear Family and Friends
So this week we had a big surprise.
It turns out that The grandkids of the family who moved from Columbia
Are actually not members. They have been coming to church basically
since we have been here. So this week we began to teach them the
lessons. And the first lesson sister Toledo asked them to be baptized
on March 15 and both of them almost instantaneously said yes!
They are so excited! We are so excited! They only speak Spanish so far so mostly in the lesson sister Toledo translates and teaches them. After the lesson we give them an English lesson. It's been neat to watch them with English. It's Also cool to see myself picking up on some of the Spanish. On Friday night we scheduled for them to go to a members home for dinner and a lesson. Then we found out that I was staying in the area and my companion sister Toledo was going to Hendrix while we were on a trade-off. Me and sister McCleary (YES my MTC companion is my sister training leader!!! And we got to spend a whole day actually teaching together) So any who Neither of us speak Spanish, luckily the host invited over a family in the ward who speaks pretty good Spanish. We ended up watching a movie in Spanish so they could understand. It has been really neat to me is to be able to put aside the words and focus on how the spirit feels in the lesson. Even though I don't understand what's being said, I can always feel when the spirit is there, and it is so strong. Back to mine and sister McCleary's adventure. We began walking up to a door, then I had a mini panic attack. In my head I thought we don't know what are we doing...But then I remembered that we had already been on a mission for 7 1/2 months and we knew what we were doing. It was so cool to see how much she has grown over our mission and I hope that she could see the progress in me as well. :) We had a ton of fun together! We have just been so busy! Every other day we spend 2 1/2 hours at the food bank, and I just love that place so much. On the days we are not at the food bank we help out the members by doing service for them. We started a service calendar and basically every day of the month is filled up with something. It is so great to serve, I know it brings huge blessings. We also recently got a referral from a less active member. She says she works with a guy who is investigating the church. Well we found out that he lives in our ward boundaries, though he is 30 and has worked with The ysa elders. The less active member told us that he was interested in attending our ward, so this week we got his number and texted him asking him if he would be interested in meeting us. He said that he would like to meet us this week, So hopefully he will want to take the lessons from us. The less active member said that he is going to be engaged soon to a member. She has told us that he believes that the book of Mormon is true. We are so excited to meet him. Also the ward members are doing a great job of sharing the gospel. One member, Sister Kenny, has a really wonderful story. I'm not sure if i shared recently. AnyWho, it basically boils down to she shared some information about the plan of salvation with a friend, the friend wanted to know more, Sister Kenny said she would text her some scriptures. She then was returning home and we were at the neighbors. We then gave her some scriptures. She texted her friend the Scriptures. The following week she brought her friend the book of Mormon and gave her a conference talk. The friend then text sister Kenny and Thanked her for the gift. She told her that she was interested in learning more and would begin reading the book of Mormon. So this week we are going to try to find out where she lives so that we can visit her and find out if she would like to learn about the lessons. Oh March is going to be just filled with miracles!!! I know it already!!! Currently our ward has three more baptisms scheduled! That means 7 baptisms by the end of the march and 7 more people closer to living again we our father in heaven!!! :) I love being a missionary! It's a great gig! I'm always going to be a missionary! :) Love, Sister Chambers

Monday, February 24, 2014
wow I wrote a huge long email to all of you, and somehow it didn't send.:( So now I am going to try and write another email quickly. On Wednesday we got a new sister in our ward, sister Ashcraft. She is wonderful. It was hard to say goodbye to Sister whiting but we know that it's time for her to go home. She served 10 of her 18 months here in this ward. On Thursday not much must have happened because I can't remember anything big. Friday was a very busy day full of service. First we went to the food bank then we went to help clean autumn graves home, and off to help sister toombs make treats for a baby shower. We also were able to go to the baby shower for a less active member in our area. On Saturday we had any opportunity to take some shoes to a new family in our walk. They just moved from Columbia and are looking for work. They don't speak very much English and so my companion is able to translate church for them. This week we hope to begin teaching them English, and we also found out that their granddaughter is not a member, so hopefully we can teach her too. Sunday was a busy day full of meetings. Also our ward mission leader just retired this week and it's kind of scary awsome because now he has more time to devote to his calling. I have recently taken on the task of putting together an interfaith 5K. It is going to take a lot of work, but it should be wonderful. The entrance fee will be Canned food and all the proceeds will go to the local food bank. There are many ducks to get in a line, but we have some time to get everything straightened out! Well I hope you all have a wonderful week this week! Love ya! Love, Sister chambers Sent from my iPad
Tuesday, February 18, 2014
Spiders stink!
This week I got bit by a spider! I don't know what type but it has
caused a bit of a problem. We had to keep a close eye on it for a few
days and I was in contact with the nurse to make sure I hadn't been
bitten by a brown recluse or a black widow. Luckily I wasn't bitten by
either of those two things.
Any way... It was a good week. On Thursday I went and worked with
another sister in a different area, which was interesting because they
had me give a training, and I had never done that before.
Friday and Saturday we basically spent the whole day doing service. We
made treats for the two baptisms. We also had a wonderful valentines
day activity... That's where you may have seen pictures of me.
Desserts and live music performances, then dancing after, which we ran into the kitchen and sang primary songs during. It turned out pretty great. Though it did take me back to the days of setting up weddings with mom. But yes the ward had two baptisms this week! The first was bobby, he is awesome, it was the most spiritual baptism I have ever been to. His wife is a member and her dad flew out to baptize him. After the baptism they stood in the font and cried a little bit. Everyone was crying it was just so emotional. Oh so yesterday we were able to find a food bank and we will be working there for 2-3 days each week. We are so excited about this. It was wonderful to be there and serving people. We even talked to a lady who has some questions a out what we do and why! :) tender mercies! Oh and me and my comp will be staying together in this area for the next 6 weeks at least. It should be good. Oh I have read 2 really great talks this week by elder bednar and I advise that everyone gives them a look. Seek learning by faith... And teach them to understand. I'm learning a lot about learning. :) Love y'all Well hope ya have a great week. Love, sister chambers
PS sister Chambers Address is
14701 Bartram park Blvd.apt # 413
Jacksonville, Florida 32258
Florida Jacksonville Mission
8663 Baypine Rd. Ste 102
Jacksonville, FL 32256
Florida Jacksonville Mission
8663 Baypine Rd. Ste 102
Jacksonville, FL 32256
Monday, February 10, 2014
Lookie what I got!
Happy Valentines week
This last week had its ups and downs. Like any other week. So where to begin... Monday was ok, Tuesday we had a lesson with a lady... We taught her about the plan of salvation! Everything went well until we got to the part about spirit paradise and prison. She then told us that we were wrong. That we only have one chance here on earth to figure it out and if we don't get it then it's too late. We asked her about those who didn't get a chance here on earth to learn about Jesus... She said that there is satellites and mission trips, that everyone would have a chance...(hmmm I don't think she understands that not everyone has a smart phone, or even radio for that matter.) well any who she kept telling us that we were wrong, but I just bore my testimony that god is a loving god who WANTS us to live with him again so he would provide another chance, and then we promptly left. That night our investigator cruzita was able to come to a movie night! We watched the testaments and she loved it! She even felt the spirit so much that she was crying at the end. Wednesday... WE GOT IPADS!!! We had zone conference and spent most of our day learning how to use them! It was pretty awesome. Thursday was just a day. Friday... We figured out how to weekly plan on these things which took forever, but it's all good. We also had a lesson with cruzita. She is great but she jumps straight head first into deep doctrine. Luckily she has her brother in law who is a bishop in England to help her out on some of the tougher subjects. Currently she is praying about tea and the word of wisdom. She asked us if we could ask the people higher up to change the tea part. (Funny thing is, that she doesn't even really like tea...?) Saturday... Fun filled day of looking for service in the community. Also had a ward mission meeting like usual. We also got to go to a party. A member thru the party to invite gators and less actives to fellowship them with some of the members. It was awesome. I watched a snake eat a rat, it was gross. Also at the party I met one of my best friends from the pre mortal life. Her name is hailey and she is 5. She instantly came up to me and told me that she remembered me. She remembered that when she was a baby we took a picture together..... I'm guessing that was in heaven. She hung by me the whole night. She even came and said hi to me at church yesterday. Sunday...
Cruzita came to church again! :) We had to go to young men's and young women's to translate for two of our members who just recently moved from Columbia and speak no English. I can not think fast enough to put three words together. Luckily I have an iPad with Google translate! Copy and paste scriptures was the name of the game while mi compa was able to get the chit chat in between. Ha funny moment.... The young man who she was translating for, mike, kissed her on the cheek when we were leaving. She started laughing so hard, she forgot it was a cultural thing that they do down in Columbia. Last night we were finally able to see a less active who we have been trying to see since we got here. We had to take another sister with us so that we could enter his home but we where able to have a nice visit and get to know him a little bit better. God is good. One of the spiritual lessons that I am learning this week is to not trust in the arm of flesh. As I have been going over the word of wisdom, studying it so that we could teach our gator I have just re realized some things. It's crazy to look and compare what was happening in the world to when Joseph smith received the revelation. Many people at he time didn't know that smoking, drinking or chewing where bad for them, but over time we have learned more about how bad they really are for us. We don't know gods ways, because they are higher then our ways, but it is always the right way, so we have to pray and ask him what is his way so that we can know and follow it. Any who enjoy this picture! These tools are so wonderful. All of our paper work is now in them and super easy to update. It is our planner, area book, gospel library, and quick Mormon message player. It has been so awesome already. Sunday we were actually able to share a quick video with a man on a door step and set a return appointment for tonight! All of the missionaries have the same password to our iPads... DC 88:73... Look it up! :) Also we can e-mail from them. This means that I can read your messages when ever you send them to me, but I can only reply on Mondays :)
Until next week Love Sister Chambers
Monday, February 3, 2014
Miracles in Mandarin!
Ok, so it's really hard to open a new area, but luckily Heaven always sends help.
We have been running through all of our resources, referrals, less active members, members, knocking on doors but we hadn't found anyone who was really really interested yet.
I was getting kind of sick of reporting a whole bunch of zero's each week so I decided to look to Heaven for Help. Every single prayer we asked Heavenly Father to help us have a member present lesson on Friday. Then we hit the pavement running. Trying to meet people, find those who are wanting more in life, and trying to set up an appointment for Friday.
Then on Tuesday the Elders in our ward sent us a media referral. Basically someone can go to mormon.org and send the missionaries to a friend, or ask them to come see them. That info goes to Salt lake, which is sent to the mission office, then texted out to us missionaries. By the time we got it on Tuesday it was too late to contact, so we stopped by on Wednesday. She was not home unfortunately. But we left her a note and a picture of Jesus.
The next day we were in the area and decided to stop by and see if she was home. SHE WAS!! :)
My companion was a little worried that a member might have sent us there, and that she actually didn't want to meet with us, but we did not let fear impede our faith.
We walked up to the door, knocked on it, heard some people talking inside, and then we heard the door unlock. Behind it was a shorter lady who looked happy to see us and promptly asked us to come in. We went in and were talking to her, finding out she was the person we were sent to when some people started talking to me.
I did't realize that she had her ipad up with skype on it. She told us that these were the people who had sent us to her. It was her sister and Brother in law, who live in ENGLAND! Yup we got a referral from England. Any who, they are both members. Apparently their sister wanted to know more and wants to be a member. They helped her find the address of the church, and even the time that church started, so last week she came to our meeting house at 11:30 promptly. Unfortunately last week was the stake/ regional conference that was televised from Orlando.
So she was kind of confused, she knew that we normally don't televise our meetings. She talked to a member, who said they would help her out, but didn't. So luckily her family members sent us to see her! :)
That night we had the first lesson with her and she loved it! She began reading the intro to the book of Mormon, and even scheduled another appointment for the following day... FRIDAY! We promptly texted a ward missionary, who hooked us up with a fellowshipper, a lady to come to the lesson with us!! PRAYERS ANSWERED!
We went on trade-offs and I was so lucky to stay in our area with sister Parmer. We went to the lesson, taught her about the plan of salvation and she just soaked it up! :) She kept her commitments and is even talking like a member.
She told Sister Daveline that this year our ward meets at 11:30 but next year we will meet at 9. She told us she would like to be baptized, she just wants to learn more first.
She came to all 3 hours of church and enjoyed it. The lesson in Relief Society was the plan of salvation which was perfect because she didn't feel so out of the loop. She is coming to a movie night on Tuesday, which we are watching the testament, and on Wednesday another member invited us over to watch the restoration. On Saturday our ward missionary who primarily works with us is throwing a twig party. Basically we are inviting a ton of people to fellowship so they don't feel lonely at church, and she invited our investigator :)
Our ward has not had baptisms in a few years, but just recently we are seeing a huge change. 2 weeks ago we had 2 baptisms. Next week we have 2, and soon we will have one set up with Cruzita! :)
Any way this week I get an ipad. I know that this will help the work move along. There are studies that show investigators retained and baptized doubles with ipad. I think there are multiple reasons to this... that we have to tract them better... We have to be so specific with when and where we are meeting them and what we will be teaching and how we will keep constant contact, so they can't fall through the cracks. Also we can show mormon messages!!! :)
The spirit is so strong in those quick movies.
Sister Parmer shared a quick video at the end of our lesson the other day and it was just perfect!!
Well I hope all is well back at home!
I love ya'll so much! :)
p.s. It's so warm that today we had to use the a.c. not to rub it in or anything. ;)
Sister Chambers
Monday, January 13, 2014
That may or may not be a hint ;)
And my address is
14701 Bartram park Blvd.
Jacksonville, Florida
It has been so crazy moving here. Packed, and moved in a matter of days.
We are both new to the area and so we keep working hard and are trying to find some new investigators to teach. We have been able to see some Less actives, and we even have a lesson scheduled with a potential investigator.
The place that we live in is glorious, it is just so wonderful, I was a little scared I would end up in some scary place but this place is pretty new and it smells clean. :)
My companion is pretty awesome. Sister Toledo. She has been teaching me Spanish, and just the other day I taught the plan of salvation in Spanish!! it was to her, but she said I did pretty good! She says that in no time I will be fluent, ha I'm not sure about that but she likes teaching me, and I like learning.
She is really sweet and kind. She is basically the opposite of me.
I am loud, she is quiet.
She is gentle, I am not.
She is meek and humble, I'm pretty prideful.
So this is perfect, Heavenly Father gave me a companion to show me a good example.
Oh guess what!!! This morning we talked with president over the phone and he said in 3 weeks we will be getting Ipads!!! :) Which will be so splendid. Right now we don't really have access to computers, so this morning we are at a members home using her computers for a moment. She is so kind, and funny note... this is the place where I spent my first night on the mission. Sister Toledo spent her first night here as well. It brought back memories driving up here today.
OH which brings to remembrance a story. We are not the first second set of sisters to be here. The last set ended up in a car accident and then one of them went home. It is quite the story, and everyone here has told it to us a few times... not only where they in a car accident, but they rear ended another car, who then hit into the other sisters in the ward... and gave one a concussion.
So everyone keeps telling me to drive really safe. That is a ton of pressure. My companion does not have her license, so I always get to drive, and the car we have is a 2013 ford fusion in silver. I drive super duper careful!!!!!! But one of the best parts is that we don't have to share our car with anyone. The other sisters in our ward are the sister training leader coordinators. Basically they are the sister version of AP's. I feel intimidated at times, but they are really nice and helping me learn a ton of new things!
Well I don't have much else to say, don't have any real investigators to tell you about so... I hope you have a great day!!!
Sister Chambers
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