Dear Family and Friends
So this week we had a big surprise.
It turns out that The grandkids of the family who moved from Columbia
Are actually not members. They have been coming to church basically
since we have been here. So this week we began to teach them the
lessons. And the first lesson sister Toledo asked them to be baptized
on March 15 and both of them almost instantaneously said yes!
They are so excited! We are so excited!
They only speak Spanish so far so mostly in the lesson sister Toledo
translates and teaches them. After the lesson we give them an English
lesson. It's been neat to watch them with English. It's Also cool to
see myself picking up on some of the Spanish.
On Friday night we scheduled for them to go to a members home for
dinner and a lesson. Then we found out that I was staying in the area
and my companion sister Toledo was going to Hendrix while we were on a
Me and sister McCleary (YES my MTC companion is my sister training
leader!!! And we got to spend a whole day actually teaching together)
So any who Neither of us speak Spanish, luckily the host invited over a
family in the ward who speaks pretty good Spanish. We ended up
watching a movie in Spanish so they could understand.
It has been really neat to me is to be able to put aside the words and
focus on how the spirit feels in the lesson. Even though I don't
understand what's being said, I can always feel when the spirit is
there, and it is so strong.
Back to mine and sister McCleary's adventure. We began walking up to a
door, then I had a mini panic attack. In my head I thought we don't
know what are we doing...But then I remembered that we had already
been on a mission for 7 1/2 months and we knew what we were doing.
It was so cool to see how much she has grown over our mission and I
hope that she could see the progress in me as well. :)
We had a ton of fun together!
We have just been so busy! Every other day we spend 2 1/2 hours at the
food bank, and I just love that place so much. On the days we are not
at the food bank we help out the members by doing service for them. We
started a service calendar and basically every day of the month is
filled up with something. It is so great to serve, I know it brings
huge blessings.
We also recently got a referral from a less active member. She says
she works with a guy who is investigating the church. Well we found
out that he lives in our ward boundaries, though he is 30 and has
worked with The ysa elders. The less active member told us that he was
interested in attending our ward, so this week we got his number and
texted him asking him if he would be interested in meeting us. He said
that he would like to meet us this week, So hopefully he will want to
take the lessons from us. The less active member said that he is
going to be engaged soon to a member. She has told us that he believes
that the book of Mormon is true. We are so excited to meet him.
Also the ward members are doing a great job of sharing the gospel. One
member, Sister Kenny, has a really wonderful story. I'm not sure if i
shared recently.
AnyWho, it basically boils down to she shared some information about
the plan of salvation with a friend, the friend wanted to know more,
Sister Kenny said she would text her some scriptures. She then was
returning home and we were at the neighbors. We then gave her some
scriptures. She texted her friend the Scriptures. The following week
she brought her friend the book of Mormon and gave her a conference
talk. The friend then text sister Kenny and Thanked her for the gift.
She told her that she was interested in learning more and would begin
reading the book of Mormon. So this week we are going to try to find
out where she lives so that we can visit her and find out if she would
like to learn about the lessons.
Oh March is going to be just filled with miracles!!! I know it
already!!! Currently our ward has three more baptisms scheduled! That
means 7 baptisms by the end of the march and 7 more people closer to
living again we our father in heaven!!! :)
I love being a missionary! It's a great gig! I'm always going to be a
missionary! :)
Sister Chambers

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